Taking in Life Around Me....#Sundaystills Theme: Fun with Editing

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

This weeks theme is around the topic of editing photos. When we edit, we're basically making changes, correcting mistakes, color, shadows, etc. Sometimes we take a more creative approach to editing, adding more flair, or fun to it. Maybe even recreating a totally different scene by changing a few settings. There are so many things one can do to a photo. 

Years ago before I went back to work I somehow stumbled upon a photo editing class. I don't remember if it was free or cost something. It was fun and a good challenge. Unfortunately this was the only photo I could find..it was a screen shot. I don't think I would've deleted the file, but I cannot find it and just don't want to go down a rabbit trail looking (at least not right. now). I probably wouldn't remember how to do this now. But, I had to take the black and white photo, and color it to match the bottom photo. The one I did was in the middle. It walked you through, and it was fun, but time consuming. 

How do I edit now? I have an Iphone 14 pro max. I actually don't mind doing simple edits in the photo app itself. I'm usually only trying to make the photo look as close to  how my eye actually saw it. If I'm not being lazy and using the photo app, I will use Lightroom. I also use Pic Monkey quite a bit but usually not for editing photos. I have a few other apps, but don't use them often. One is called Brushstroke which "paints" the photo in oil, water color or a few others. Snapseed is another decent one. I would love to find an app that does a good "removing" of unwanted objects, but I haven't found that or figured out how to do it in Lightroom.

The following photos I played with quickly in Brushstroke. I originally downloaded the app because there were some photos that I wanted to see how they'd turn out if I made them watercolor, etc in order to possibly print. I haven't taken time to do that yet. 

This was on either Murano or Burano, I can't remember. This is a lightly edited version from either the phone or on the computer in the photos app or lightroom, and below are two that I played with in Brushstroke. 

The below photo is in Como. I'd love to edit those 3 people out, but haven't been successful yet. 

Below are two edits I did in the Brushstroke. 

I enjoy using presets and probably have more than I will ever use. I'm a sucker for free ones. Years ago I downloaded all of The Pioneer Woman's presets when I was using Photoshop Elements. They were fun and easy to use. Rarely do I take excessive liberties with editing, usually sticking to simple brightening, etc. I would like to play around more with it though. One thing that is a pet peeve is when people edit photos so much, but don't admit they did so. Then I've gone to a location and thought "hmmm that does not look like that photo did". Or I know the place they photographed and think "yah, the water is not that blue". Edit away, but be honest with the editing of it. 

Below are some edits of the Yaquina Head Lighthouse. The first photo is just a light edit in Lightroom. 

This photo is showing the original photo (SOOC). But I wanted to brighten it a bit according to how it really was. 

Photo after edits. 

Now, this morning I decided to have some fun in Lightroom with some presets. 

I had to add this photo. This wasn't long into my DSLR journey and we were at the fair and it was dark. I was trying to get a good photo..not sure what my intention was...but when I looked at the photos later, this was how it turned out. How fun is that. My hubby turned it into a canvas and it hung in his office for years. 

Thanks Terri for the challenge to have fun with editing. I definitely need to play around more often. Especially because I'd love to print a few photos I've taken and hang them on the walls or our home. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Hi Kirstin! I'm glad you enjoyed this technical photo challenge! I always learn things from others and from you about the editing tools available. I like your Brushstroke effects. I see it only works for Apple products. Painnt does much of the same. If you have Picmonkey Pro, you can edit people out, I believe. If not, I use the clone tool to edit out unwanted objects. Nice to see you made a canvas print out of the last image!

    1. I do have picmonkey pro (I think). I'll have to look. Sometimes clone and heal work well, and other times it's a struggle.

  2. Your brushstroke photos are so pretty! And the last one you did at the fair is fabulous!

  3. I love the edits you did, Kirstin. The streets especially and I love lighthouses.
    I find Photoshop the best of those I've tried for removing unwanted objects.

  4. Hi Kirstin, these are fun examples of editing and the Brushstroke app looks like a fun one to use. #sundaystills

  5. You do the editing in your phone...you go girl! That's awesome. I have a hard enough time doing it on my computer. 🤣 It was fun to see your edits and read your thoughts about photo editing. I think we'll end up seeing less unedited photos and more edited ones as time goes on. The composition of the photo is the foundation and you do a great job of that and then can play well with the editing tools. It's fun for you and for your readers! PS - I love the last photo too - that's grand that it made it to a canvas and displayed to enjoy!

    1. Thank you Shelley. I much prefer my computer...it just depends. I agree about seeing more, and now that you can literally create an AI photo from a prompt, it will be harder to tell what is real sooner or later, which makes it sad for photographers who've worked so hard to hone their craft.

  6. You're a real pro. Kirstin! ☺ Thanks for sharing your editing tips. I enjoyed all the various photos and filters. That last image is so cool, with the blurred background! Regarding removal of objects from photos, I've had decent results with Photoshop Elements, as you'll see on my Sunday Still post.

    1. I need to try removing in photoshop. I think many apps can removes simple things, but for harder ones, I do think I need to get into photoshop or light room. Thank you. Editing can be fun.


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