Wednesday Hodgepodge....Puzzling

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Do you enjoy puzzles? I LOVE puzzles.All kinds of puzzles. Jigsaw: I try to always have one going, in fact I just finished one yesterday. I took a picture, and then went to take another and it completely fell off the puzzle table...haha.  What kind (crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, etc)?  How often do you work a puzzle? I love all kinds of puzzles. I have quite a few apps on my phone that I enjoy doing. I sometimes will bring a puzzle book on the airplane with me to work on...word puzzles, number puzzles. I'll try pretty much anything.
As far as jigsaw puzzles, I like 1,000 piece ones, and I do like ones that pose a bit of a challenge. I like several brands. Right. now my favorite is White Mountain Puzzles. I love finding good puzzles at thrift stores or my local library has some you can buy. I've also been enjoying "collage" style puzzles. Instead of one scene, there are a variety of them. I have quite a few right now waiting to be done. 

Puzzle I just finished. After I took this photo, it proceeded to fold over itself and onto the floor. 
I just started this one yesterday. 

I'm still a sucker for these books even though I never seem to do many of them. I still like an actual book. 

2. Something you currently find 'puzzling'? There are many things I'm sure, that I find puzzling, but it truly puzzles me that people feel the need to be so mean on social media. I see so many comments on peoples posts that are so unnecessary. Even some posts that are just terrible. It breaks my heart. I'm often puzzled by my own inability to accomplish some things I want to accomplish, especially when it comes to goals, etc.. 

3. What's your go-to dish to take to someone who needs a meal (new baby, bereavement, etc)? I will usually do a soup. It's easy, light and satisfying. It often depends on their dietary preferences. But soup, salad, bread and a simple dessert (cookies) work well. A few weeks ago a friend was really sick.  Her daughter asked if I could make them a meal. I did a simple vegetable barley soup with a tomato base, I made some homemade sourdough bread and my MIL made them some cookies. I made extra (usually what I'll do) for us, I added some ground beef to it for us.

4. Do you watch any HGTV and/or The Food Network? Yes, I do like those two channels. I don't watch it as often as I used to. If so, what's your favorite program there? On HGTV I always enjoyed Fixer Upper, my hubby and I watch a few real estate ones. Years ago we used to watch Extreme Makeover home edition as a family. I haven't watched HGTV in awhile, but I like gardening shows, DIY, etc. As far as Food Network....I love Pioneer Woman, Diners, Drive-in and Dives, Chopped, any cooking or baking competition show, I used to watch Rachel Ray and Giada a lot. There are so many good ones. 

5.  Wrap up your January in five words, with a five word phrase, or with a five word sentence. That went by too fast! Haha...I know that's probably many people's responses. Maybe it's because the let down from the holidays, and January just seemed kind of hum drum, and before we knew it, it was over. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I switched my babysitting days from Wednesday to Tuesday, so today is my day off and I'm going to go to get a hair cut, and also hit a few thrift stores and maybe Target...I'm possibly looking for a few more things to take on my trip to Hawaii next week. I also am going to go to the Chiropractor because I've been feeling like I really need it. 

Next week I'm going to a friends clinic to get an IV vitamin therapy infusion. The one I'm getting is called Liquid Gold for overall wellness properties. It includes Calcium, magnesium, B Complex, Vit C B12 and Glutathione. With it being winter and traveling, I'm wanting to give my system a boost to keep me healthy and keep me going! I saved up from my Pumpkin Patch money to do this since insurances rarely cover these kinds of more natural approaches to health. 

Since I'm leaving next Thursday for a week, I need to get things ready and planned for while I'm gone....prep hubby's lunches, make a pot of soup that he can eat while I'm gone, bills paid, etc. 

I'll leave it at this for now. I have another blog post to work on and should get some things done..maybe I shouldn't be so puzzled by not getting things accomplished...since I'd much rather sit at my computer and write blog posts, and visit blogs. Haha!! Off I go. 

And now look....this wasn't on the plan. I went in one of my storage drawers to look for something and realized what an unorganized mess it was, so now it's all sitting on my table and I need to get it organized and put away ASAP...haha!

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Your drawer situation happens to me a lot. I am set on doing one thing, but get distracted by something else that needs doing and on it goes. Have a wonderful time in Hawaii! Yes we are back to traveling, but it does seem like it's hard to avoid coming home with a bug, particularly if flights are involved. Stay well!

    1. Thank you. And glad I'm not the only one (getting distracted)

  2. On the one hand, I am shocked that January is over. On the other hand, I feel like it lasted forever! Silly, I know!!

  3. How nice to be planning that trip to Hawaii next week. Enjoy! That vitamin IV sounds like a great proactive thing to do before traveling. We enjoy a lot of those same show on HGTV. Happy last day of January to you!

  4. I'm glad you got at least one photo of your finished puzzle before it fell! And glad that it was complete, because I'd be far more upset if it fell apart when it was ALMOST finished! My husband is really liking the White Mountain brand puzzles now too.

  5. Love the puzzles you shared. When I get my house purged I need to start working on the puzzles I have. I understand being puzzled about yourself and doing things. I definitely suffer from that. We enjoyed Fixer Upper. We do watch Home Town and Diner's with Guy. You have a lot going on in your random. Good luck with everything.

  6. I don't like puzzles, I am not enough patient !


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