Taking in Life Around Me.....#SundayStills : Rounded

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

I've been very hit and miss with my posting on various link parties (is that what they're still called). I sometimes feel like I have FOMO (fear of missing out), but sometimes life just happens and it can't be helped. 

This weeks theme is "rounded". Here's what I came up with.

I LOVE me a good coffee...which of course always comes in a round cup. I know I could've found several more, but I'll leave it at this. 

This beautiful round Urn/vase, whatever it is and the inlay above it are in the Old Stone Church in Kennebunkport, ME. I tried to find out more about it online, but couldn't find anything. 

A peg, both square and round in one of the covered bridges we visited in the NE states. 

Yes, please, I'll take a perfectly round donut with an amazing crumble coating. 

Let's just talk about how cool this bit of road is. I know I've used it in a few link parties, but it's just so fun, how could I not! This was somewhere in Montpelier. 

A round jelly fish washed up on shore on Anderson Island. There were several of them along my walk. 

This HUGE frying pan is a signature site in Long Beach, Wa.

Here's a bit of info on it from The Visit Long Beach Peninsula website: 

Northwest Copper and Sheet Metal Works created the giant frying pan in Portland in 1941. The Long Beach Chamber of Commerce commissioned it to help promote the first annual Clam Festival. The completed pan weighed 1,300 pounds and was 10-feet wide and 20 feet tall!

A beautiful, round sand dollar. It's not often I find a whole one, and I get pretty excited when I do. On the Washington coast in Seabrook, Wa in September.

This piece of artwork was on the wall of an airbnb we were at (well, we were in the carriage house, my daughter and others from their leadership school were in the main house) in Seabrook. I can't remember what they said now, and of course I probably can't find out now, but they were cool. 

I want to do this with the grandkids one day...maybe next summer. I want to find fun treasures that are unique to them and let them each make a stepping stone. I haven't figured out how we'll find those things yet...lol. 

On our trek along the gnome trail in Seabrook we were greeted with so many fun treasures!

While the petals on hydrangea may not be round, their overall formation is a perfectly round sphere

I spotted this old globe in a local thrift store. Sometimes I wish I had more space to put lots of fun thrifted items. 

Last, but definitely not least, my MIL's famous PB balls and Bratzeli. Those cookies are always requested of her and they don't last long. We tease each other because Italians (which my moms side of the family is) call them Pizzelles. But my MIL is Swiss and the bratzeli is the Swiss name. So depending on who's house we're in will depend on what they're called. They are almost identical ingredients, minus maybe the flavoring, and made in the same kind of iron. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I think you might have been hungry when you prepared this post or when you took the pics...or both! I love them all, LOL! The circular patterned art is beautiful. Years ago I bought supplies for the circular stone paths, which my own daughters created. I still have a piece of one we brought with us to WA. Wonderful gallery of all things round, Kirstin!

  2. A wonderful collection of rounds, Kirstin and more than one that made my mouth water! I love the idea of making a stepping stone, what a great memory that would be. The giant frying pan made me smile too :)

  3. I giggled at Terri's comment...there was a hint of rounded treats in this post. I appreciate your collection of different rounds, very creative. That PAN - WOW, it's huge. When my kids were little we made stones like that, we didn't have something special just usual rocks to make a pattern with. I still have them in my garden and think of them whenever I walk by them. When you do it make sure you mix the concrete correctly otherwise the weather breaks it down fast and they don't last. Happy Birthday coming up - 55 is a fun year to celebrate!

  4. Thank goodness

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