Wednesday Hodgepodge.....Fall Y'all

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. It's officially fall y'all. In the northern hemisphere anyway. Any signs of it where you are?  It's beginning to show signs of fall here in SW Washington. Mostly in the fact that the temps have cooled, and the rain has returned. I have noticed some leaves turning. Now is the time I watch the trees on the hill I drive going home. I love seeing their progression of turning colors. What's your favorite thing about this time of year? Not the rain, that's for sure. I love the turning of the leaves. I love decorating, and the coziness of the season. 

2. Have you visited any 'falls' in person? I am thankful that we live in an area that has hundreds of waterfalls. I have visited many in person. Tell us about one of your favorites? I grew up with a fairly popular one practically in my backyard and of course as a younger person, often took it for granted. Snoqualmie Falls is stunning, especially when it's full. Did you know it's actually taller than Niagra Falls? Now we live 45 minutes away from the very popular Multnomah Falls which is equally stunning. It doesn't take much searching to find a waterfall in the PNW. Drive the Columbia River Gorge, especially the old highway and you can stop and see several along the way, though in the summer it's so crowded, it's not as fun. You can also drive about an hour or so south and find the Silver Falls state Park and hike to see 7 waterfalls along the way. 

One of the falls in the Columbia River Gorge...I can't remember which one it is. 
Waterfall somewhere in Switzerland.
Multnomah falls in the Columbia River Gorge.
Snoqualmie Falls, in Snoqualmie, Wa. 

Of the following top ten famous falls (according to this site ) which would you most like to see in person-

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe/Zambia), Igazu Falls (Argentina/Brazil), Niagara Falls (US/Canada), Angel Falls (Venezuela), Yosemite Falls (California), Dettifoss (Iceland) Kaieteur Falls (Guyana), Plitvice Waterfalls (Croatia), Gullfoss-Golden Falls (Iceland), or Sutherland Falls (New Zealand)

I would love to see Victoria Falls, Gullfoss-Golden Falls, Plitvice falls. Really, I wouldn't mind seeing all of them. I have been to Niagra.

3. What's something you'll miss about summer? Mostly the longer days, and sunny skies.

4. A favorite fall recipe? Hmmm...I have quite a few, but we love to make lots of soups. One favorite is a broccoli wild rice soup. You can make it quicker by using boxed wild rice soup and frozen broccoli, but I like using fresh. Here's the recipe. I've also made this Butternut Squash Shepherds Pie. 

5. Something you enjoy but lately have allowed it to 'fall by the wayside'? Photography, embroidery, reading (I read regularly, but the last few weeks I haven't read as much as I usually do).

6. Insert your own random thought here. I'm a few days late getting this posted. That's the other thing I suppose I've let fall by the wayside...blogging on time and especially getting around to commenting. I have every intention, but then time gets away from me. I don't like doing it from my phone so if I can't be at my computer, I don't do it. I may need to change that. 

Last night (Thursday), my oldest daughter hosted her first ladies night event with her Coffee Cart. It was called Esther Night, and it was just for ladies. There were several women vendors there, everyone who registered got a free 8oz. latte, and 3 free photos (my youngest daughter took those). It was a success. So proud of them. I didn't take many photos unfortunately. 

I bought this bracelet that says "enjoy the journey".

October is looking like a busy month. I'm hoping to still post, but we'll see. I'm heading to Ohio in a week and a half for 7 days to see family and help harvest grapes at my aunts vineyard. Then I also help at my son in laws family pumpkin patch on weekends, and will have the grandkids for 3 nights right after I get back from Call me crazy. I may sleep all of November. 

I'll leave it at this for now, since I'm so late posting. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. It's nice having cooler weather. Those water falls are beautiful. I agree, I will miss the longer days. Looks like a lovely party your daughter had. Enjoyed reading your answers.


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