Putting Fingers to Keyboard...#WQ Theme: Containers

It's another week of  Wednesday Quotes, hosted by Marsha from Always Write. If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQ here.

This weeks theme is Containers. It could also be writers choice. My posting has been sporadic. I'm not sure why since I was doing so well with being consistent. 

Container = an object that can be used to hold or transport something. One that contains.

I found a few quotes that gave me some good food for thought. I hope you enjoy them. I'm not going to include photos this week since I don't have time to look for some that are fitting. I may go back and add some later. 

I thought this was interesting. It is true, that we are attracted first by sight. If we look at a table with two teacups and one is beautiful and the other plain, we are going to move towards the beautiful one, and maybe we'll be disappointed with the tea inside, and perhaps the plain one holds the delightful tea. We are less apt to walk into a building that looks sketchy on the outside, no matter what is promised on the inside. We are drawn to the outward of almost anything before we are what is inside it. We are that way with people too, sad as it is. 

Yes, they are...words are so powerful. How we use them matters greatly. Today I was playing a game with my grandson on his pad, and he was letting me take a turn. It was a game that was similar to Super Mario...I wasn't doing that great. He said "you can do it, just be confident." He said a few other things that I don't remember, but I thanked him for being so encouraging to me. 

What a powerful quote and statement. We are containers. What is inside us shouldn't be contained. But what are we, as vessels, holding? And what are we releasing out of our vessels. 

"...buying containers is only a mistake when you try to use them before you have sorted, purged, and assigned a space for them to go. Containers can only be used properly when you know exactly what is going in them and you know the size and shape you'll need for the space" Cassandra Aarssen

When we were ready to move into the new part of our house which contained a new kitchen, I was so excited to organize. I bought jars, containers, shelves, things that would make the space as useable as possible. BUT first I measured, I thought through the layout of drawers and cabinets. I put sticky notes on cabinets and drawers saying what was going in each one. Then if needed, I moved them around. It all came together beautifully and everything fit just right. A year later I'm still loving it.  

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Oh, I really enjoyed each of these. Great food for thought - but especially...enjoy the tea more than the teacup!:) Applies to sooo many things!:) Happy Thursday!

    1. Thank you JEnnifer and thank you for visiting.

  2. Great quotes and I loved your reflections on each of them. That last one is so very true! Lots to ponder and learn from such a simple prompt!


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