Tuesday Four....Toys



It's time again for Tuesday 4 hosted by Anne from Cottage by the sea. Published each week in memory of Toni Taddeo, it's original author.We keep Toni Taddeo's original idea alive here with 4 questions each week to get you blogging, visiting and  learning about yourself and other bloggers.   The more people join in, the merrier and the better it gets. We are always looking for topics, subjects and ideas so feel free to chime in if you have ideas. Welcome! 

Could we talk about toys?  Toys are important to children and sometimes to adults as well.   There are memories tied up with toys we loved, toys we miss having in our lives.  We found comfort in them, excitement with them and just fun times over all.

1. What was your favorite all time toy? If you happened to read my Wednesday Hodgepodge (since many of us participate in both) last week, you might remember me saying I do not have a good memory of growing up yers. I don't know what a favorite toy was. I know I did enjoy my holly hobbie doll, my fashion plates, and I loved spirograph. 

2. What kind of toys did you enjoy growing up? I enjoyed games, and art/craft type toys, but I also did love dolls. We played outside a lot or played school. I made some model airplanes. 

3.  I think certain bric a brac in the home could be a kind of grown up's toy.  What is in your home just purely to make you happy? Some plants, my simple pieces of decor that bring a smile. I love the secretary desk that was my moms that is filled with books. 

4.What games were your favorites and do you still play any games? I don't remember, but I know I LOVED games, and I still do. Board games, card games, I'm usually down for anything. I loved Sorry, perfection, Boggle. I do still love playing games. Now it's card games like Hand and Foot, Skip-Bo. Board games like Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride. Candy Land with the grandkids. Uno. Phase 10. We also have some other games that require you to answer questions. A new one called I Should've Known That. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. While I enjoyed reading this; I think I almost enjoyed the photos more. These are all games that have been played over and over again at our house too. I love games and my boys and I used to have gameschooling Fridays where we put aside our homeschooling books and played lots and lots of games.

  2. Uno is so much fun! I want to play it now. Loved your answers. Have a nice week. ♥


  3. My grands love Uno too. I liked playing Pokeno too.


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