Taking in Life Around Me....#Sundaystills....Theme: Blue

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

This week is our monthly color challenge and this months color is blue! I do like the color blue, though there is a particular color blue that I don't like on cars..I don't know why, I just don't...Trucks..okay, cars or vans, not so much. It's kind of a darker, royal blue. Anyways...guess that's a quirk I have. 

Let's get on with it. Like I said, I do love the color blue....

Living in the Pacific NW, we do not see these on our beaches. I spied these while in Florida on one of our trips.

These hydrangea could either be blue or purple, but I'm going with blue for sure! 
When we visited NYC, one of the places on our list to go was The Bagel Store in Brooklyn (which I believe has since permanently closed)...they were known for their rainbow bagels. We bought one, but oh man...we probably each took one bite just to say we did...took the pics and tossed them. They were good, but reminded me of playdough and that's a lot of food coloring. 
Aahhh the blue houses of Venice were a mix of hues from pastel to vibrant. 

Down on the docks in Friday Harbor sat some necessities for the water! 
The San Juan Sculpture Park and Nature Reserve is so fascinating. This was just one of the displays. They change regularly and I believe almost all of them are for sale. They are very unique, and each has a story to go along with it. Their website will show which sculptures they have, I couldn't find this one and didn't take a photo of the plaque near it. 

A mural on the side of a building on Orcas Island. This mural honors Coast Salish peoples. 

Paulina Lake in Central Oregon!

A blue sand bucket makes for fun play! 

The blue waters of Lake Erie!

I loved the blue on this butterfly at the Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory in Deerfield, MA

In Plymouth, MA we observed these scalloped shell sculptures. Apparently there were 29. I wish I would have had time to go find them all. That would've been fun. They were painted by local artists. I think they may feature a different theme each year and when we were there, this was chosen because of its symbolism for pilgrimage. Apparently artwork of the shell can ofen be found on local headstones as far back as 1681. Several of them had blue on them so I thought I'd share. I just found a puzzle with these, and it was on sale but once I hit the cart, the shipping was almost $20 so I decided not to get it. It would've been a fun puzzle. 

As I was looking for photos I found this one...Blueberry soda is popular in Maine so we had to buy a bottle and I'll admit, it was really good. 

I totally forgot about the below photos...they were initially the main ones I was going to share. I had even gone out of my way to look for blue when I was out and about, so I came back to add them. 

A few murals in downtown Vancouver, Wa from awhile back when I went on a mural hunt. 

I used these blue bowls to photograph a recipe last month. 

On a recent walk down in Kalama, Wa along the Columbia I spotted these two boats that contained blue. The columbia river in these areas are popular for barges. It is one of the safest and most fuel efficient ways of transporting cargo in the PNW. 
The Columbia River is also common for river boats. The American Cruise line is usually docked here with guests getting off to tour the area. 
One of the totems along the waterfront. 
A few weeks back I parked along the water, then walked the waterfront and then through the town and spotted this cute figure on the tree..There were several of them. 
While I was there I visited a few vintage markets, and I spotted this beautiful Italian coffee maker. I kind of want to go back and get it. Even if I never actually use it. 

I also spied some old glassware (above and below) in some beautiful blues. 

Back in September of last year when Marsha and Terri and I met, we visited the Historical Ft. Vancouver....lots of blue there. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. A terrific array of blues, Kirstin! I really love that opening shot of the Florida beach with the chairs--simply gorgeous.

  2. Some of the prettiest photos...I enjoyed them all. I was trying to decide which was my favorite - but just could not pick one! I will admit, though, those bagels do not seem appetizing..but blueberry soda sounds very interesting!:)


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