Taking in Life Around Me.....#sundaystills Theme: Small things

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

This weeks theme is based around the word small. I love small things. Sometimes I feel pretty small in this big world. I used to love the books All Creatures Great and Small. Whether something is big or small, whether a thing or a moment, they all matter. Sometimes, most times, it's the small things that make the biggest difference. 

During October, tiny pumpkins and gourds are my absolute favorite!!! I love decorating with them, and one time I made mini pecan pies inside little tiny pumpkins. 

On a trip to the wildlife refuge near our home, we spotted some baby geese. They were so cute. 

Small grapes on the vine in Switzerland! I was so tempted to try one, but, of course, I didn't because they were in someones yard. 

A sweet, small butterfly on a tiny Aster flower. 

When we were on our trip to Ohio last year, we spotted this tiny snapping turtle that had wandered away from the marshy area and onto the sand. A local man passing by stopped when I showed him and returned him to where he probably came from. 

I certainly felt small when we visited the basketball hall of fame. Check these photos out. We had fun visiting, even though I'm pretty clueless to all things basketball. 

Small, tiny butterflies were in abundance at the Magic Wings Conservatory in Massachusetts

On our recent trip to Anderson Island we were walking on the rocks during low tide..I kept hearing this clacking noise, and then was seeing what I thought was the sun glistening on the rocks...well, it turned out to be all these tiny crabs...and let me tell you, there were A LOT...it was almost creepy. But I was fascinated by them. 
On a recent trip to an antique store I kept my eye out for tiny things. The little jars above were maybe only 3" high. So cute. 

This collection of small thimbles was neat...some much tinier than others. 

Finally, Plymouth Rock was MUCH smaller than I expected it to be when we visited. Haha..I remember thinking "well, okay, then". According to the History Channel, it is estimated to only be a 1/3 or half of its original size, and only a third of the stone is visible, with the rest buried under the sand. Hmmm....

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. You found a huge cache of small things to share this week, Kirstin! I'm still chuckling at the "huge" Plymouth Rock, LOL! I've seen some thimble collections before, I forget how small they are--I almost put together a shot glass collection (we collect at least one from every trip). I bet those tiny crabs were a bit creepy--they're almost invisible! Love the tiny butterfly and the snapping turtle, too! Have a great week, Kirstin!

    1. Thanks Terri. I know, that cracked me up(the rock). Shot glasses would be fun!

  2. Lots of goodies in these photos. I especially love the butterfly. The crabs, not so much!! I would hate to feel I was stepping on them. Glad the turtle got home safely.

  3. I love your choices, Kirstin. The colourful butterfly is amazing! What a shot. The basketball hall of fame made me laugh. The baby geese are gorgeous. Not so sure about the crabs and snapping turtle 😉

  4. Love those little pumpkins...and of course the ducklings

  5. Nice group of small things. I especially like the up close of butterflies. They are difficult to get.

  6. Great shots of 'small' Kirstin - the butterfly is amazing and the size of your hand and height of basketballers makes for an interesting perspective! I know what you mean about sometimes feeling small in the big wide world. I love the All Creaatures Great and Small books too. #sundaystills

    1. Thank you Deb. I should try reading one of the books again. I like the show that was out for awhile as well.

  7. I enjoyed seeing the photos you chose for the theme. Such a fun collection. I've never heard of the basketball hall of fame with the measure up display. That would make me feel very small too! Adding those photos to your others was a fun playful addition! 🥰

    1. THank you SHelley! The hall of fame was very interesting. We weren't going to stop but just happened to be passing the exit so made the choice to.


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