Putting Fingers to Keyboard...#WQ Theme: Writers Choice..Glimmer(s)

It's another week of  Wednesday Quotes, hosted by Marsha from Always Write. If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQ here.

This weeks theme is writers choice. I missed last week and I'm truly hoping to get this post finished. This week I'm going with the thought of Glimmer(s)....Honestly, this last week, while it's been good, has an underlying heaviness for a few reasons the coming death of an uncle (he is currently on hospice) and a hard situation with another family member. Glimmers is something I've been thinking of lately and it seems fitting.

I recently came across this thought regarding glimmers. Glimmers are internal or external cues that help us feel joy, safety or connection. Another definition is that they are small moments that spark joy or peace, which can help cue our nervous system to feel safe or calm. We focus so much on "triggers" which are negative in nature putting us into fight or flight. Sometimes these are warranted, BUT more often we see them used negatively.."this or that triggered me". Personally I feel like it's become an overused word. 

Glimmers are the opposite of triggers--small, insignificant moments in your day that have the potential to make you smile. Taking time to notice the tiny pieces of good in our day helps us to train our brain to notice more positives. The more you look, the more you find. Source: teacherspayteachers.com

They are little sparks of wonder, love, appreciation and joy in your day. Have you thought to look for glimmers? Do you sometimes find yourself needing a glimmer of hope? Things are just a little heavy?

What are some examples of "glimmers"? 

*The smell and taste of a cup of coffee
*Sun shining through the windows
*A kind text or phone call
*A hug from a friend or loved one
*A moment to sit and read a good book
*Seeing a butterfly
*A sweet smell from a flower
*The sounds of nature...for me, the birds
*Being present

The list could go on I'm sure, and every day may be different. I'm going to be more intentional with being on the lookout for glimmers every day.

After reading the book "I Guess I haven't learned that yet" by Shauna Niequist, I feel so much, how important it is to practice gratitude, to look for joy and feel joy in the simplest things and for the smallest reasons. To look for things that bring joy to my life or the moment I'm in. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I love the hopeful tone in these quotes and photos. And I can't help but think we would all have so much more joy and hope in our lives if we focused on glimmers rather than triggers. I will try to look for more glimmers in my days. Praying for many glimmers to brighten your days as well.


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