Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. What's one thing you're excited about in the coming month? I'm guessing we're talking about July. We have several get togethers in the month of July with friends. I'm really looking forward to that. Our youngest daughter returns from her month long trip to Hawaii on the 6th so I'm excited to see her, though she leaves the next day for a bachelorette weekend for a friend. 

2. What was your life like when you were ten years old? I don't really remember much. If I remember correctly, we had just moved from Ohio to Washington in the middle of a school year so I was trying to adjust to a new school, new town, make new friends. 

I think this photo was right after we moved. Also the truck I took my drivers test in. 

3. What's something from your childhood you still enjoy today?
Nature. Rocks, animals...I used to love exploring the woods, finding neat rocks, observing of my favorite books was a wildlife guide book. I still love all those things today. Also, reading. I have always been a reader.  

4. What state (that you haven't been to) do you most want to visit? Colorado! Tell us why. I have always loved the scenery I've seen in photos and videos. Though I do believe that every state has it's beauty and it's "meh" areas, so there are many other states I'd enjoy visiting, but that is just one of the ones I'd REALLY like to visit. 

5. Do you like to drive? YEs. Tell us how you learned to drive. I think my dad taught me. I took my drivers test in a big 4wd pickup. I had to retake it twice. I didn't pass the parallel parking the first time. When I was learning to drive a stick shift (in about 1985ish), I was learning on a 1966 Ford Mustang with no power anything. It was so hard, my dad finally gave up and had a family friend teach me. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I'm not babysitting today so that means I've had two days off in a row. Yesterday I got some things done around the house and then made a recipe to photograph for the blog I VA for. I'm wanting to expand my skills to food photography so that I can offer the service of perhaps redoing peoples recipe photos on their blog to update them, etc. I don't really create my own recipes, but I can make someone's already posted one with newer photos. I'm using hers to practice. Today I think I will drive 10 minutes up the freeway to a nearby town, walk the waterfront and then hit some antique stores, before coming home and getting some things done that need to get done.

Tomorrow I'm going to an event that is being hosted by the coffee shop my girls work for. Both of the girls are out of town so they aren't available to take photos and video, so my oldest asked if I'd do it. I said yes. I'm a bit nervous, but I think it'll be okay. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. All those things you enjoyed as a child are lovely! I'm so glad you still enjoy them now.

    So happy you have so many exciting things to look forward to in July.

  2. I learned to drive on a stick shift - well, on my second attempt at learning anyway. I think knowing how to drive a manual is really helpful! Food photography is a little different from just snapping a pic on the phone, isn't it? My food pictures never turn out the way i want them to. Have a great week!

    1. I agree on knowing how to drive a manual.

  3. I too learned to drive on a stick shift but took my drivers test using automatic and I flunked the first test by running a red light. How dumb is that? It was a foggy day and I just didn't see it. And I also thought I had passed and the instructor answered me, "Are you kidding? You ran a red light." I was so shocked. It took me a few months to get over that. I enjoyed your answers and your photos.

  4. My dad grew up on a farm outside of Denver and we loved visiting my grandparents there. The sky seemed bigger than it did in NJ which is where we lived. I learned to drive a stick shift on the hills of East Tennessee which I guess is the best way to learn. You start rolling backwards and you figure it out lol.

    1. Thanks for visiting Joyce. I hope I get to visit there someday

  5. Your July sounds exciting. Love the photo on the truck. Enjoyed reading your answers. Hope everything went well at the Coffee Shop.

  6. I'm sure you did a great job at the Coffee Shop. That's nice that you agreed to step in. I can't imagine parallel parking a big stick shift truck or stick shift anything. :) Moving midyear...that's tough. Happy July to you. It sounds like you have some fun events to look forward to.

    1. I think it went well...not perfect but okay.


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