Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life

1. Do you know much about (or understand) Artificial Intelligence (AI)? I do have a general idea of what it is. I don't have a large understanding of it. Does it worry or excite you? I'm not sure it excites me. I do use siri, and a few other things. I DO NOT want an I think there are potential future aspects that might worry me, especially if it continues to take "humans" out of the picture and out of the workforce. 

2. What was the last song you listened to? Oh wow...Come Home (song for the weary), by Rachel Koulianos on Spotify. Your favorite movie soundtrack? Hmm...I really liked the soundtrack for Greatest Showman, but Phil Collins songs from Tarzan were awesome too and Dear Evan Hansen. What song always puts you in a good mood? Better When I'm Dancin by Meaghan Trainor, Voice of God by Dante Bowe and Good Day by Strive to Be...those are just a few...I love music, and even if it's a slow, mellow song, music brings me to a place of joy, peace, understanding!  

3. What were you doing ten years ago? 10 years ago...boy...let's see, in the world am I supposed to remember. I suppose if I kept a journal that would be helpful...I looked back to see if I blogged that time I was a part of The Secret Recipe Club. That was a lot of fun! In May of 2013 I also flew to Florida by myself for a trip to see my family. Also a very fun time. we were probably going to weekend soccer tournaments since our youngest was still playing club soccer. 

4. Your favorite no-bake summer dessert? Homemade ice cream!

5. Something you're looking forward to in June? We are going to a friends vacation house on Anderson Island, Wa. It's a smaller, remote island, with not a lot of touristy things..looking forward to relaxing, reading, hiking, maybe work a puzzle. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I don't remember if I shared on here that I was doing a challenge with my hubby and one of his coworkers to get 70,000 steps in a week. It doesn't matter how many we get each day, as long as at the end of the week (Sunday) we have 70,000. We're on round two and this time we also added in 20 push ups a day, 30 situps a day and a 1 minute plank..those too, can be done however, just the total has to be the equivalent of that by Sunday. I've done great, but this last round has many struggle days. I've managed, but boy, it's been hard a few times. I say all that to say, I need to go out and walk this morning before I go babysitting, but am procrastinating. I have my book club tonight so it might be hard to get all the steps in. I really shoot for 10,000 a day because I just never know what's going to come up. Oh, I also personally have been trying to get in at least 3 days where my steps are equivalent to 5 miles. That one, I'm not so strict on...if it happens, awesome. If not, that's okay too. I think so far, I've only had one week where I missed it by 1 day. A few weeks I've gotten 4 days in. 

Today is my grandsons last day of preschool. He has a graduation tomorrow. I used to kind of laugh at "graduations" that weren't actually HS graduation, but I'm sure it'll be very cute!! Today I'm taking them to their favorite frozen yogurt place after school. 

I went out and got my walk I need to get ready to go be with the kids. See you all next week. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Enjoy the 'graduation'! And your trip to the island. Quiet and remote sounds like a great vacation combination.

  2. The Anderson Island getaway sounds awesome. Have fun and take photos.

  3. Love your songs' playlist! Your trip to Anderson Island sounds wonderful ... enJOY!

  4. The trip to the island sounds wonderful - enjoy it! I love the idea of your 70,000 step challenge too. What a great motivator for fitness. I use the Conqueror Challenge medals as my motivator to keep walking and hiking, but I need to add something to my routine (or perhaps subtract something from my diet! ha!) to get in better shape. Have a great week!

  5. I also count my calorie expenditure over the full week. Seems to work so much better for me, and helps me go easy on the days I am not feeling 100%. That sounds like an amazing vacation place. Have a great time!
    Thank you so much for visiting me and leaving such a lovely comment.


  6. Enjoyed reading your answers. Dear Evan Hansen was good. Hope your trip on the Island is fun. Wow, that step challenge sounds hard. Your book club sounds like fun. How exciting with your grandson. Enjoy!


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