#WQW......Theme: Hope and Faith

It's another week of  Writer's Quotes Wednesday, hosted by Marsha from Always Write. If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQW here.

This weeks theme is around the words "hope" and "faith". The question might be asked, "well, don't they mean the same thing?". I don't believe they do. Similar, maybe like fraternal twins, but not identical. Let's look at the definitions and difference between the two.

isn't this so cute! It was the front of a card at work, and perfect timing to see it. 

Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Desire accompanied by anticipation or expectation.

Faith: complete trust or confidence in something. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion.

The difference: Faith is the result of current belief systems as shaped by experience, hope is the product of desiring a future state of affairs. 

I believe we need to have both of these in our lives, learning and knowing when to activate each. I hope you are encouraged by these quotes I found. I'm feeling a bit under the weather and as I sit here thinking of what to write...nothing is coming to me. Ha!  

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I absolutely love this…faith and hope are two terms I could not live without! I love the quotes you picked!

    1. Thank you for visiting. I agree, we need them both.

  2. Btw, Inam so delighted while my SIL visited this week he figured out why I couldn’t comment and corrected it! I am so happy now!

  3. Kirstin, I'm sorry you are under the weather. We are having a lot of weather today, mostly in the form of wind. I love your quotes, and the way they got you up and running again even though you didn't feel top notch. Amazing. Have a great weekend and hope you feel better.


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