Weekend Coffee Share.....Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. 

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

The weather: The weather seems to have calmed down a little bit. The weather is supposed to be really nice the next 3 days! Yay! Hopefully I'll takes some time to get out and do something in it. 

What we're thinking about: I've still been pondering my word of the year "unfold". I still don't have it nailed down, but maybe this year I'm not supposed to have a big plan, maybe I'm just supposed to sit with the word and let it happen. Be more aware of opportunities to "unfold my life". When you think of this word, what comes to mind? 
I love this song by Steven Curtis Chapman, which I came across after I picked my word. Glorious Unfolding.


What we're thankful for: Music, quotes, things that make me "think", that feed my soul and spirit and mind. That bring peace and refreshing. There are many things I dislike about social media platforms, but there are more that I do like that make me stick with them. 

What we're reading or want to read: I have a few "physical" books that I mentioned last week that I'm reading but I also have been reading some e-books. I just finished one called The Truth about Unspeakable Things by Emily Myers. It was a pretty intense book, but very good. I just started reading The Trespasser (Amish Country Brides). So far it's a good one. I enjoy reading all types of genre. 

I also just ordered the book Mailing May. My boss had posted a photo and story about how sometimes in the early 1900's children were mailed instead of paying the price of a train ticket and someone recently came in and said there was a book about it so I bought it on amazon. 

Around the House: Shiplap is up and hopefully this next week maybe it'll be painted. It's going to look so good. Other than that, not much worth mentioning has been happening. I have been looking on Pinterest for ideas for organizing kitchen cabinets and have been browsing for furniture.

From the Kitchen: Friday night my youngest daughter had a belated work Christmas party here at our house. I made my 4 cheese chicken fettucini. It's always a hit. I also made some black bean burgers the other night that were yummy. They didn't hold up as well as others I've made, but they were still good. I had plans to make mexican stuffed sweet potatoes and jackfruit tacos but didn't get to those. I'll try them next week. I've never used Jackfruit but have always been fascinated and with my daughter doing a Daniel Fast I thought I'd give it a try. 

Favorite Quote: "When older people pass away, a library is lost, and volumes of knowledge and wisdom disappear". 

It is so sad but true. We so often do not take the time to listen to stories and ask questions, to document history and stories. Goal: Ask more questions! Listen to stories, from anyone. 

What we've watched or listened to: I watched the movie Dear Evan Hansen last week. Very good. We've also started watching The Amazing Race, which I love. I really enjoy Magnolia Network and spent a lot of time catching up on the show The Lost Kitchen. What I love about this network is that while yes, they are produced, it is not perfectly scripted, it's not super polished, it seems more "real". 

Favorite photo(s) from the week:

My daughter sent this photo yesterday. Love the little pig tails. I love the puppy and big brother in the background. 

My FIL made each of us one of these shelves for Christmas. I had a smaller one but this is bigger and holds my oils better. I love it. 

Random Thoughts: Well, I had a random thought and it has now disappeared. Darn it. Today (Saturday) I'm heading to my great nephews birthday party and taking my grandson with me. I'd love to get a walk in outside since it's supposed to be dry outside this weekend. 

I don't know if I told you last week that managing a baby, a toddler and a puppy in one day was HARD, but it was, however this last Wednesday it was like night and day. Puppy is house trained and will walk to the door and ring a bell when she needs to go out. Of course sometimes her timing was terrible, like when I was holding Pepper to get her to take a nap.....ding, ding, ding. Really Ginger...now? Finally I put her in her crate so I could get baby to fall asleep. 

My oldest was talking to me briefly about maybe doing a garden with her this year at our house. We'll see. It would take a lot of work to prep a spot. But I also got the most beautiful book from Baker Seed Company. They have a free catalog which I'm waiting for but I purchased their 500 page book and it is stunning. Full of seeds, beautiful photos, articles, recipes, quotes, bible verses. It's so cool. 

This quote by George H.W. Bush made me laugh!

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. The quote by George H.W. Bush made me laugh, too. That was a great photo of your two grandkids. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. Thanks Natalie! Have a great rest of the weekdn.

  2. Hahahaha Kirstin,
    Sorry, but I had to laugh.

    I know you know this, but if a baby, a toddler and a puppy alone will always chose the worse time to need you - only full-on chaos can result from trying to watch and care for all 3 at once.

    That was great and you're just lucky the kitchen didn't catch on fire or an earthquake did not add to your adventures because you were certainly inviting some disaster.

    Hang in there and keep on making these great memories.

    1. Haha..right! So funny. Definitely great memories

  3. Hi Kirstin - I loved the pig tails too and good to keep up to date with all your news. I'm impressed by your collection of essential oils - I have about two at last count and use them for making my cleaning water smell nice.

    1. I know. So cute! I love EO's and want to use them more than I do. My hubby isn't always a fan of some of the scents.


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