Weekend Coffee Share.....Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. 

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

The Weather: I think my answer to this for the rest of the year will be rain, rain and more rain. Oh and gray skies. I think that maybe our days of blue skies will be minimal. While I'm not a fan of the rain, if I'm indoors at home I love a good storm. We're supposed to have a wind storm Sunday night. I love a good wind storm as long as there's not a lot of damage. 

What we're thinking about: Well, I had something I was going to share, but then I forgot what it was. 

What we're thankful for: I'm thankful for life itself! There's always so much to be thankful for isn't there? We just have to look for it. 

What we're reading: I finally finished Jo Tracey's book Wish You Were Here. I've enjoyed both books I've read that she's written. I just started a new Kindle book "Under the Light of The Italian Moon: Inspired by a true story of love and women's resilience during the rise of facism and WWII" by Jennifer Anton. I love reading but I hate spending a lot of money on books. I follow a few pages that share when Amazon has free Kindle offers and I've probably gotten way more books than I'll ever read, but one can hope. We will probably be choosing in the next few weeks our next book club book. 

Around the Home: Not much happening. We had been hoping to pour concrete for our porches but the rain came in and so we decided we will wait til spring. Such a bummer but it's better that way. We don't want to risk it not curing properly or getting wet. The photos are of it prepped. It was a last minute decision not to pour so we had it all ready. 

Our granite installer came and finished prepping and then sealing all the counters. Boards are being sanded and stained for the trim. I don't think we've picked out backsplash yet. I say I don't think because I have decided to leave that decision up to my hubby and the gal helping us. I told them which ones I liked but will let them make the decision. I feel like now we are in the sluggishly slow phase. Oh, the heating portion just got finished today so we have heat in that side now as well. 

From the Kitchen: With working normal during the week and then the Pumpkin Patch on the weekends, nothing fun or new has come out of the kitchen. I know, boring. 

Favorite Quote: A memory on FB came up and it included this quote from the book "A Homemade Life; Stories and recipes from my Kitchen Table by Molly Wizenberg. I apparently read the book, or maybe an excerpt but I don't remember so maybe I need to read it again...

"When I walk into my kitchen today, I am not alone. Whether we know it or not, none of us is. We bring fathers and mothers, and kitchen tables, and every meal we've ever eaten. Food is never just food. It's also a way of getting at something else: who we are, who we have been, and who we want to be."

I love that. I love being in the kitchen and wish I could be in it more. I love that I come from a line of family who loves to cook. 

What we've listened to or watched: Again, not much because I haven't had time. 

Favorite Photo of the week:

These two love each other. 

Randomness: I got the Charcuterie board I won in the mail the other day. I can't wait to use it. My hubby is hosting a boxing fight night in a few weeks and I plan to use it. I haven't received the book that I won as well yet. 

The handles are undercut which makes it easy to carry. You can find the collection here. I would love to have a few round ones. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Yay, today my Chrome wanted to open your site! It didn't earlier this week, because of some SSL cert problem. Safari opened it (because it lets me choose, Chrome doesn't) but I can't comment using Safari, so that's why I always visit your blog with Chrome. What I wanted to say earlier this week was that your new kitchen looks absolutely fabulous, and it looks like your porch will be something amazing too.
    I also try to visit everyone on the Coffee share, although I may not comment everywhere, it depends on the topic. Your posts are always very enjoyable to read! Celebrating life is certainly very relevant, always but especially during this time.

    1. Sometimes I'm so clueless when it comes to blog management. I've just always had blogger and hesitate trying a new platform. Thank you so much for visiting! I agree on the commenting. It just depends.

  2. Hi Kirstin,
    Me too. I hate dropping lots of money on books. I do love the feel of a well made book in my lap as I breeze through it but they quickly get to be expensive, first in hard cash then as space in the house somewhere. I rarely read one twice but there are a very few exceptions, so if I can get it via Amazon Kindle for less than 7$ I win in both areas.

    I gulped for you when you told about postponing your concrete pour. If it helps - you are absolutely doing the right thing. I was finishing up a different home project years ago and had to make a similar decision. I decided to go for it and have regretted it ever since as the damaged units have moved with us and for our next move, I'm pretty sure I'm finally going to discard the damage I did so many years ago.

    1. Totally agree on the books. Right now I'm going to give some of my recent reads to anyone who wants to read them. I may try selling them in the future, then I'd have money for new books. Ha! Yes, we probably did make the right decision, it's just always hard when you want something done so bad.

  3. That charcuterie board looks the business. I love the quote about kitchens. I don't come from a line of cooks - my mother dislikes it, and so did each of my grandmothers. As a result we don't have a food culture as such in our family. Finally, thanks for the shoutout.

    1. You are welcome. I've enjoyed both books I read!

  4. That charcuterie board looks beautiful. Great win and a useful thing for frequent food and life celebrations. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  5. Great catchup Kirstin and your place is steadily getting there! Sp pleased to hear you enjoyed Jo's books, she's such a great writer! #weekendcoffeeshare

    1. THanks Deb. Jo really is a great writer...just when I think I know exactly what's going to happen, it shifts and I want to throat punch someone...lol.

  6. Yes a great catch up and that charcuterie board looks really good.


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