#WQWWC......August 18 Theme: Learning, Education or Schools

It's another week of  Writer's Quotes Wednesday, hosted by Marsha from Always Write. If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQWWC here. 

This weeks theme is based around learning since schools are about ready to start up again. All I can say is I'm glad my kids aren't school age anymore. Wait, what am I saying, I homeschooled until they were Jr.'s in HS and then they took a local program at the Community College graduating with their AA's and HS diplomas. I really enjoyed homeschooling, but it's funny how, once I was done and I looked back, I could see things I would have done differently. 

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." Aristotle

"Change is the result of true learning". Leo Buscaglia

I enjoyed our journey of homeschooling. I didn't choose to do it because of some weird, shelter my kids, kind of thing, but at the time was hearing a lot of negative things regarding the schools and we decided to give it a go. It just worked for us. We loved the flexibility, I loved having my girls around. They played soccer so they were around a lot of kids, not to mention kids at church. They were very well rounded. I always asked them if they wanted to go to public school and the answer was always no. 

Things are a bit crazy in the world and if I had school age children now, I very well might homeschool again. 

Aside from formal school, I believe strongly in remaining a student for life. We should always be seeking to learn, to grow, to educate ourselves. I believe we need to always be open to new ideas, new ways of thinking, and willing to even shift our thoughts and beliefs if something convinces us otherwise. I want to always be open to dialogue and conversation. I want to always be on a journey of understanding, even if my own thoughts don't change, I don't want to be close minded. 

I believe that everyone has something to teach me if I'm willing to listen and observe. 

What do you love learning about or things you'd like to learn? Have you thought of going to a college or community center and taking a class? I've thought of doing this, but haven't taken the time. I have attended a cooking class with a friend which was a blast. 

I love learning about:

Photography: new skills, editing, etc. 
nature: plants, animals, gardening
cultures: food, what people do, what made people who they are, where they come from, etc. 
Family history
New ways to cook, new recipes
anything my grandson talks about. We can learn so much from kids. 

I would love to learn:

How to make homemade pastas
Another language or two (I'm working on this, though not very consistently)
More skills as a Virtual Assistant
Do simple sewing projects on a machine (maybe...I'm not sure)
How to keep my plants alive and what plants will grow in my house
How to zendoodle and handlettering
I'd love to attend one of those paint and sip classes
How to trace family history

I'm sure there are more I can add to this list. But the goal is to always be learning. We should always be looking to learn new things. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Are you a virtual assistant, Kirstin? I trained a couple of high school kids to become my virtual assistants. It ended up being a bonding experience for the three of us, and the next year the school required an online blog portfolio, which was cool. Turns out since I wasn't running a business, I discovered I didn't need an assistant, but it was a fun experience.

    1. That's awesome. Yes...I manage social media for 3 bloggers. I wish I could do it more full time, but I've needed to work an outside job and it just hasn't worked out. I enjoy it though.


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