#WQWWC......May 19th Theme....Healing

I decided to join in with Writer's Quotes Wednesday, hosted by Marsha from Always Write. If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQWWC here. 

This weeks theme is on healing. There are so many ways to look at healing. So many types of healing. Physical healing, mental, emotional, relational, spiritual. Every one of them just as important as the other. They can tend to have an effect on the other areas if we are not careful. 

For some, healing doesn't take long, for others, it seems like they just can't pull themselves out from under the pain and trauma, or sickness and disease. Every person is different, every experience unique. Several years ago (7 to be exact) we walked through a very painful experience with our local church. Several people walked through the experience more deeply than the rest, and every one of them handled the healing differently. I have been a Christian since I was 15, it would take a lot to shake the relationship I have with Jesus...the people part of it, that took some healing and every now and then something crops up that tries to split open the scar. We also had a bit of a rough childhood at times, in part because my dad drank and could be verbally and emotionally mean on occasions. I knew he loved us but his childhood was much the same, and as I grew older, I realized, he functions out of what he knows and isn't always willing to change or admit he was wrong. My sister and I handled things very differently. Sometimes I look back and wonder, if I hadn't started going to youth group with some friends, where would I be today? Would I have handled things differently, been a different person. 

Quotes, music, books, podcasts, relationships with good people, understanding and knowing who I am, these are things that keep me whole and healthy, that bring healing when wounds or sickness comes. That's not to say sadness doesn't creep up, that frustration, anger, etc doesn't churn inside. It's just I've found what works for me. 

Here are some favorite quotes I found recently on the subject of healing. Good food for thought. 

Physical Healing:

"Your body's ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe"

"If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won't have to hear it scream" Wholistic

"We see it in the body, that if you just give the body enough rest and comfort, it has remarkable self-healing capacities. Well, so does the spirit. Gail Sheehy

"Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live."  Jim Rohn

What do you do to keep your body healthy and ready to fight off sickness and disease. Do you realize that when we hold on to anger, bitterness, etc...that can affect our physical health. When we speak negative things over our bodies, that can affect our weight. I am all for a doctor when absolutely needed, but I will do everything possible to keep my body in a state that can fight off sickness and disease before I need to see a doctor. 

Mental & Emotional. Healing: 

"How often have you wounded yourself by getting angry, fearful, jealous or vengeful?"

"Healing comes from taking responsibility: to realize that it is you-and no one else-that creates your thoughts, your feelings and your actions"

"We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present" Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson has another portion of writing that is very long so I didn't include it. Here is a link from Goodreads to many of her quotes and this one is at the top. 

I'm aware of how much of a mental health crisis there is. It breaks my heart, especially when it seems to take hold of young children and teens. I have not suffered from anxiety, depression or other forms of mental illness. I want to be more aware, it makes me want to continue to be intentional with my well being, and the well being of my family and those around me. People will hurt us, sometimes horrifically, what will we do with that experience? Do we live there, or do we rise from the ashes? I hope that I would rise like a Phoenix. 

Spiritual and Relational Healing:

"All healing is divine, whether it is physical or spiritual; but of the two, it is an undeniable fact, that the spiritual healing is greater". Kathryn Kuhlman

"The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world" Marianne Williamson

"Don't allow wounds to turn you into a person you are not" Paulo Coelho

"If you never heal from what hurt you, you will bleed on people who did not cut you"

Some relationships will never be restored, some should never be restored. Sometimes distance and/or boundaries need to be put in place. I've seen what bitterness and unforgiveness does. I don't want to live in the past. I've chosen to forgive those who have hurt me, whether they asked for it or not. It's not for them, it's for me. I can let go of the past without denying it existed.

There was a point several months ago that I felt like "who I was" was being attacked. I was letting it consume my thoughts, I was doubting and second guessing myself. But then I stopped and thought, "no, I will not do this. I know the person I am, I know what I have attempted to do in this situation, this other person has not taken the time to know or understand me". I needed to let it go, for my sake. Maybe someday I'll look back, and maybe I didn't handle things right. Or maybe I'll realize I did. Sometimes we can only do so much. 

Wow. These topics have been good. I've enjoyed letting the quotes stir my thoughts.I can't wait to read what everyone else wrote.  

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Kirsten, these are very deep thoughts. This is a post you can share with others that are hurting. You have a healing philosophy on life that has done you well. I'm assuming that maybe your sister has struggled a bit more than you have. I particularly liked this quote, "We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present" Marianne Williamson. For the longer quote, it might be a good reference for you and for others, to just include a link to the quote. This is also a post you might want to package in a document form and offer it as something that your friends could download and print out if they wanted to. Thanks for being such a big part of #WQWWC.

    1. Oh, yah...duh. Great idea on the link. lol. Yes, my sister has struggled quite a bit more in life and unfortunately hasn't included me much in it, though I've tried. Thanks for the encouragement, and for visiting. It's been fun getting back into blogging a bit more.


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