Mason Jar Lid Pies
I am so behind on what I've wanted to post here. Everything else gets in there and I just don't get around to it. This was meant to be a post in February.....obviously that didn't happen.
Can I get a show of hands of how many love pies? How many love to make pies? How many struggle when it comes to making pies? I'm the latter. I love pie, BUT I struggle. I finally got the crust mostly figured out, though not perfect, however, the filling of fruit pies...I just can't seem to get. They are always too runny! Maybe we aren't patient enough to let it set, but I really think it's my ratios (even though I follow recipes).
So, on Valentines Day I was at the store thinking of something to make last minute, and wanted to throw in something for dessert. It was just hubby and I at home since it was a Wednesday, my youngest was at youth group and we don't usually go out to eat on Holidays because who in the world wants to mess with crowds. I remembered scheduling a few posts (I'm a VA for a couple bloggers) about creative ways to use mason jar lids, and pies were one of them. I thought "you know, this would be easy (I like easy), great for portion control (I'm sneaky like that), and I've wanted to see if they really work". I didn't have much time so I cheated and bought a store bought package of crust (don't judge).
The beauty of this recipe is you don't need a new recipe, you simply take your favorite crust and filling recipe and use it here. Easy Peasy. For my filling I used peach and raspberry. I had some raspberries in the freezer and some jars of peaches I had canned last fall. If you want more specifics (because I was silly and didn't write them down) just google and a myriad of recipes will come up. However, I will give you the steps.
1. You will need 6 wide-mouth (3 1/2" diameter) mason jar lids and about a 4 1/4" round cookie cutter.
2. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or spray the bottom of a baking sheet.
3. Turn the lid upside down so the rubber side faces down, then either lightly spray or rub with butter or shortening all along the sides and bottom of lids and rings.
4. Using the cookie cutter (or simply free handing a cut that is slightly larger than the lid, cut enough rounds for top and bottom crusts. I rolled mine just a little bit more. Mold bottom crust into ring and up the sides so that the crust slightly overhangs over the edges.
5. Divide the filling between the pies and then place remaining crusts on top. Seal edges and cut a few slits in the top to vent, or weave your crust...get creative. Brush with egg wash.
6. Bake for 30 minutes or until crusts are golden brown and filling is bubbly. Let cool 15-20 minutes. To serve, press the bottom of each lid up carefully and pop the pie out.
Perfect for get togethers, simple family dinners, whatever tickles your fancy.
With Joy Unquenchable,

Can I get a show of hands of how many love pies? How many love to make pies? How many struggle when it comes to making pies? I'm the latter. I love pie, BUT I struggle. I finally got the crust mostly figured out, though not perfect, however, the filling of fruit pies...I just can't seem to get. They are always too runny! Maybe we aren't patient enough to let it set, but I really think it's my ratios (even though I follow recipes).
So, on Valentines Day I was at the store thinking of something to make last minute, and wanted to throw in something for dessert. It was just hubby and I at home since it was a Wednesday, my youngest was at youth group and we don't usually go out to eat on Holidays because who in the world wants to mess with crowds. I remembered scheduling a few posts (I'm a VA for a couple bloggers) about creative ways to use mason jar lids, and pies were one of them. I thought "you know, this would be easy (I like easy), great for portion control (I'm sneaky like that), and I've wanted to see if they really work". I didn't have much time so I cheated and bought a store bought package of crust (don't judge).
The beauty of this recipe is you don't need a new recipe, you simply take your favorite crust and filling recipe and use it here. Easy Peasy. For my filling I used peach and raspberry. I had some raspberries in the freezer and some jars of peaches I had canned last fall. If you want more specifics (because I was silly and didn't write them down) just google and a myriad of recipes will come up. However, I will give you the steps.
1. You will need 6 wide-mouth (3 1/2" diameter) mason jar lids and about a 4 1/4" round cookie cutter.
2. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or spray the bottom of a baking sheet.
3. Turn the lid upside down so the rubber side faces down, then either lightly spray or rub with butter or shortening all along the sides and bottom of lids and rings.
4. Using the cookie cutter (or simply free handing a cut that is slightly larger than the lid, cut enough rounds for top and bottom crusts. I rolled mine just a little bit more. Mold bottom crust into ring and up the sides so that the crust slightly overhangs over the edges.
5. Divide the filling between the pies and then place remaining crusts on top. Seal edges and cut a few slits in the top to vent, or weave your crust...get creative. Brush with egg wash.
6. Bake for 30 minutes or until crusts are golden brown and filling is bubbly. Let cool 15-20 minutes. To serve, press the bottom of each lid up carefully and pop the pie out.
Perfect for get togethers, simple family dinners, whatever tickles your fancy.
With Joy Unquenchable,

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