Repurposed Christmas Bulbs

When we first moved into our house we had some of these old outdoor lights that we used to line our yard and maybe even put them on our outdoor trees which at the time were only about 6-8' tall. I will have to do a post on the changes...well, anyways....

We haven't used those lights in years, though we still have them. Last year while perusing pinterest or someone's FB page, I stumbled across an idea create ornaments with them. 

I love all the ideas out there for repurposing items, giving them new life. I loved this idea and decided to give it a go. I still have a tub full of these bulbs and hopefully will create some more. Super easy and so pretty. I opted to put mine in a container on my table rather than on the tree (knowing me they'd fall off and break). 

So if you have some of these guys laying around, pull out your glue gun and some twine and get busy.

Items needed:

old Christmas Bulbs
Glue gun


1. Wipe off bulbs making sure they are free from dust. 

2.  Cut a piece of twine that will act as the "hanger". You can determine the size.

3. Glue one end of twine to each side of the silver portion of the bulb.

4. Take glue gun and working somewhat quickly beginning at the top of the bulb, work your way down with the glue and the twine until you reach the bottom of the silver portion, or you can go a bit further if you want.

Super easy, cute and fun! Just don't burn your fingers, that takes a lot of the fun away. Haha! 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. So adorable! We still use this kind because they make me ridiculously happy this time of year even though they are wasteful compared to LED lights. I just told my husband yesterday to save the ones that didn't work because I just can't throw them out. I love all the stuff you do! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Michelle....I would still use them too, but they were so old they were totally We actually have some clear ones that I thought of trying to put out. While I know they cost more than LED, I still like the softness of them. You are so sweet with your comments.


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