Secret Recipe Club: Cookie Dough Fudge

I usually know if I ask my youngest daughter what I should make from my Secret Recipe Club choices she will choose something sweet. This month was no exception. I had four choices that I pinned on my "secret" Secret Recipe Board on Pinterest and she chose the sweet one. So, that was the one we made. 

This month I was assigned Karen's Kitchen Stories. Karen is a Southern California gal who loves her time in the kitchen. She's also a busy lady who works by day, teaches part time college classes, is married with two grown children and two grandsons. She's like me, in that we both tend to make messes in the kitchen. Phew, I'm not the only one. Check out her About Me page for more insight in to her life and blog. 

(love my helper)
The recipe we chose this month was her Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Fudge.  My girl (youngest) loves fudge and she loves cookie dough. So it just seemed fitting that she chose that recipe. I am not a HUGE fudge fan, so I think I maybe ate half a piece, but she ate a few as did my oldest daughter. My hubby and oldest took some to work and everyone liked it, so I suppose you could say it was a hit!

The recipe was easy and didn't take us too long. I have really enjoyed being a part of The Secret Recipe Club. I always look forward to that email telling me who my "secret" blog is, and then I LOVE searching their recipe files for something awesome to make. My other favorite part? On reveal day, I LOVE going through the thumbnails and trying to spot "my" recipe that someone made. 
This fudge was yummy, and actually did taste like cookie dough. We were good girls and didn't sample too much of the "eggless" cookie dough before mixing it in to the fudge. 


Cookie Dough
1/3 c. unsalted, room temperature butter
1/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. packed, light brown sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/8 tsp. salt
2 Tbs. Cream
1/2 c. flour

1/3 c. packed, light brown sugar
1/3 c. unsalted butter
pinch of salt
1/3 c. cream
5 c. powdered sugar (yep, you read right)
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 c. mini chocolate chips


1. Line an 8x8 baking pan with parchment paper, wax paper, or foil.

2. Make cookie dough by beating the butter and sugars in the bowl of a stand mixer until fluffy. Add vanilla, salt and cream. Mix in the flour until combined. 

3. In a saucepan, put brown sugar, butter, salt and cream. Cook on low until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved. 

4. Remove from heat and stir in powdered sugar in one cup increments. 

5. Add vanilla

6. Mix cookie dough mixture in to fudge mixture and stir until combined and cooled to room temp. (I used my stand mixer for this and kind of left it marbled a little bit).

7. Stir in chocolate chips and pour in to pan. 

8. Chill for a few hours. Cut in to amount of pieces desired. 
Enjoy! Keep leftovers in the fridge. 

To see other great recipes from Secret Recipe Club members, visit the links below!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. I love Karen's blog, never miss a new post by her...

    cookie dough fudge... very interesting!

  2. That looks like an AMAZING fudge! We are definitely going to have to give that a try - your favorites about SRC are mine too! I LOVE getting that e-mail with my new assignment and browsing their blog in search for "the" recipe, and then looking through the link-up and trying to figure out who had me! :D

  3. GREAT photos as well as the delicious recipe - a lovely SRC pick! Karen

  4. I'm on board with your daughter.... fudge and cookie dough-- heck yes! This looks amazing! Definitely bookmarking this one for holiday gifts!

  5. The cookie dough portion may not have made it to the fudge part for me...I like raw cookie dough! This sounds like such a great fudge recipe. Great pick this month :)

  6. Fudge and Cookie Dough....sounds like a winning combination. Great pick.

  7. This would make for a great homemade holiday gift for my father-in-law!

  8. Definitely pinned this one to try later. Love cookie dough and love fudge. The pictures are fantastic :) Happy reveal day!

  9. That's seriously good looking fudge - love the idea of mixing it with cookie dough.

  10. Hi Kirstin! Glad you had fun with this one. I made this one and the chocolate coated cookie dough fudge, which is a little less sweet. This one is definitely sweet =)

  11. I would have been all over this fudge. Great pick!

  12. Yum! This fudge look amazing!

    I had your blog for this month's reveal and I made your strawberry watermelon drink and a variation of your peach crisp! Both were absolutely delicious!

    Take care!

  13. You know what? That would be GREAT on a holiday cookie/candy platter! Great SRC pick.


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