
This will go to show you how truly NON-Tech Savvy I have become, or ever was, or never was...who knows!

I was beginning to notice that several of the blogs I visited had some "neat" fonts on their posts. I happen to love fonts and thought "wow, that would be cool to be able to change the fonts of my posts or even just words depending on my mood, to add emphasis, to just look cute, etc...". Well, I noticed, while perusing the Blogger Template Designer that there were some cool looking post "text fonts". However, I didn't want to hassle changing my template since it took me forever to figure out the one I have now. 

Tonight, while home in a quiet house I decided to play around with the Template Designer. I went from my laptop, to our desktop, back to my laptop, trying to figure things out. I seriously spent well over an hour and a half...maybe two hours doing this. Finally I was brave enough to push APPLY TO BLOG. I viewed it and it looked okay, I figured it needed a bit of tweaking. I went to write a post to test out the fonts and lo and behold when I clicked the fancy "F" for font, the same old fonts appeared! WHAT!!!!!! REALLY???? All that work and for nothing. So I reverted back to my original template, because I really do like it better and if I can't have cool fonts then fine......
 So the question is.....can it be done? Is there a way to use fonts other than what is shown and that doesn't take much effort?

With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. I'm sending you an fb message ... :)

  2. Hi Kristen!
    Thank you so much for visiting Concetta's Cafe this week!

    Your family lives very close to me!
    I actually work in Orange City - that is where my Hospice Care Center is located! Do you ever get down this way to visit?

    I am not sure how to do the extra fonts on blogger - I have been frustrated with that myself. I do have a template in my Word program where I can create blog posts and transfer from there. You can use all the fonts etc...

    If you get some good tips pass them along! Also, I have been trying to figure out how to get the categories up under my top picture as well as the signature again at the bottom of my posts. I used to have that and it disappeared and now I have no idea how to get it back.

    I hope you have a great day!

  3. Thanks Concetta...I'll have to try your idea...have a great day

  4. I have used the blogger template designer to change up my fonts, and so far it has always seemed to work. :< Is it possible when you clicked apply to blog it didn't go through? That stinks :(

  5. I get so frustrated with blogger... well anything technical for that matter. I kept playing with mine in the advanced mode (Losing lots of stuff), just to get the simple page I have now. I'm too cheap to pay someone to do it for me, so for now, I guess I'll suffer through it. I hope that you find your solution!!



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