Loving Manual Mode!

I don't know what I ever did before Darcy came along and began teaching me how to use my Manual on my camera. This morning I quickly went outside and took two pictures into our woods. I wanted to take a picture of the morning sun through the trees, and I wanted to try out the histogram. It was interesting. 

Once I put the pictures on my computer, my Photoshop Elements actually let me bring up a histogram which was interesting since I don't have another camera to take a picture of my camera screen. I'm not sure how accurate the histograms are on the programs, but it seemed fairly close.

Here's what it came up with. I think I might be getting addicted to this manual stuff!!


With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. Beautiful picture, Kristin! Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my little blog! I love hearing from YOU! Blessings to YOU!


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