2010 School Curriculum Choices

Once again, it seems like I procrastinated in planning the girls school for the upcoming year. The school year ended, summer came on full force and I just didn't do it.

Each year I tell myself it's going to be different, and each year I end up waiting till the last minute. Next year, it'll be different. Really, it will be!

I managed to get things sold on eBay, with some items still pending. I really tend to be conservative on my starting bids and I need to remember to not be afraid to start out higher. It always bites me and I don't make as much as I could. However, someone is getting an amazing deal. It actually cracks me up because as a buyer, you are trying to get the best deals possible, and as a seller, you want people to spend a lot.

I did not buy anything on ebay this year. I waited too long and really just needed to get things ordered and here so they can get started. I do love using this avenue to purchase curriculum. I also love our somewhat local (about a 40 minute drive from my house) homeschool store.  The other usual source is Christian Book website where I find quite a bit of my stuff (almost everything but Abeka).

Here is what is on the Curriculum agenda for this year:

Nan: Grade 6
  •          History, Science, Creative Writing & Health: Abeka
  •          English: BJU Press
  •          Math: Teaching Textbooks
  •          Spelling: by Steck-Vaughn
  •          Reading Comp: Evan Moore Skill Sharpeners 

Kat: Grade 9 
  •         Geography & Language: AOP Monarch online 
  •         Physical Science: Abeke DVD
  •         Algebra 1: Teaching Textbooks
  •         Foreign Language: Russian
  •         Health: Using a College textbook that a friend gave us to use
Nan did much of the same stuff as last year, Kat wanted to change it up. She wanted to try the Abeka DVD's, but also the new Monarch online curriculum. We'll make adjustments as needed next year. 

We'll also incorporate writing, and other things, and possibly in the spring do a speech curriculum. "Home Ec" is an everyday thing here and doesn't need a curriculum (as the chiropractor asked if she was going to take at least Home Ec at the High School...uh, no Doc, I think I'll do a much better job).

Kat will have HS soccer practice 3 days a week with games 2 days a week. Nan will have her fall club soccer practices 2 days a week with games once a week, even possibly twice a week.

So there you have it. I don't stick to one curriculum anymore and I let my girls have a huge part in the choices. I lay out the options I think are good ones and let them make much of the final decision. They are the ones doing the work after all and I want it to be interesting to them.

In the past I've let them get up when they were ready and get started at their leisure, this year we're setting more of a routine up. It's worked fine in the past, but as they get older, school gets a little longer, as well as our general life being busier, we need more structure.

With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. I, for some reason, was not aware that you could do just one subject on DVD from abeka.I had in mind it was the entire grade that had to be bought. Are all their classes able to be bought individually? i guess I should go to their website and look around.

    I've got Tinks figured out but Peters stuff isnt quite ready yet and I want to start Monday! yikes!


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