Summer Begins!

 Our lives are busy! That's all there is to it, and I know many of your lives are busy too. We're all involved in many activities throughout the year and even the summer.There are times I wish things would slow down, that life were lived at a slower pace. But it doesn't and it isn't, so we go on.
For us, our involvement includes things at church at least 3 times a week (but really, we're there much more) with several conferences coming up, soccer practice two evenings a week (4 hours each evening), homeschooling, housecleaning (Kat cleans a house once a week and I'm her chauffeur ride, not to mention all the other things here and there that come up. We live 20 minutes from the larger city so any trip to town takes at least a good couple of hours, so those are well planned. We are now entering soccer season and the summer calendar has filled up with tournaments galore. We are talking EVERY weekend. 
I'm a homebody really. I love going places and doing things, but I really love to spend time at home, so having a calendar as full as ours is right now, can be a bit overwhelming at times. I want to plant my garden, but haven't had time. I want to go on hikes and walks and go places and do things, but am not quite sure how that's all going to happen, or if it will happen. 
I know that I will be constantly packing a cooler with snacks, sandwiches and fruit every weekend for tournaments. I will be buying out the bread aisle! I will live in sunscreen so as not to burn during the long days of watching game after game after game (or hide under an umbrella to avoid the rain). I will try to force myself out of bed earlier than usual (6 is usual) to attempt to get just a few more things done or just some time to myself, or get out the garden that is not planted yet, but once it is I know will be a battle to keep the weeds at bay (and the deer). I will enlist my girls to help me keep those weeds at bay since I am after all giving up all weekends  and becoming their personal caterers and chauffeurs (oh wait, I'm already that) for the next 3 months. I've decided that with all the driving I do, I should own a luxury SUV (full size), so I can at least be comfy. I know that I will be helping organize a conference in the middle of all the busyness (and loving it), and I know that maybe possibly, it won't be as bad as it seems.
I hope to find snippets of time to have friends over to visit (next Monday we're having a girls' craft night here with the youth group girls) and to eat good food. I want to grill pizzas, and play outside! I WANT IT TO STOP RAINING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! I want to hear girls giggle and laugh at sleepovers and I want to enjoy company around a bonfire (until the fire department ruins it all with their burn bans). 
I'm looking forward to summer and all it will bring! I'm looking forward to trying new recipes, and a new hairstyle (getting my hair cut today). I'm looking forward to seeing what you all are up to and being inspired by you.
So, come on summer! I'm ready!!!

With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. Well said - life is just plain busy :) You'll have to show us your new 'do!

  2. I think I worked out my google mess. Now I can leave you comments. I love reading your blog!!!!

    Love ya


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