Finally: PW Photo Actions for Photoshop Elements

 I love reading Pioneer Woman's blog, as do thousands of others. I really enjoy her photography page and have waited literally for years for her to come out with her actions for Elements Users. That would be me! You see, I don't know how to create actions, nor do I really have time to do it, I also don't really have extra money to purchase actions (though I would like to), so I look around for "free" ones. Hers are always free but have never been available to Photoshop Elements Users, until now.

I just downloaded both sets and played with them for a bit. Thank you to Erin and Rita for re-creating them.

I took the above picture of my daughter Kat and applied each action. I didn't do any adjustments I just wanted to see what they looked like. At the end I took and combined a few actions just to see what would happen. I can't wait to play with them more. If you're an elements user go on over and check it out.

The name of the Action is typed "below" the picture.

Slight Light
Slight Sharp
Soft faded
Edge Burn
BW + Beauty
Define Sharp
Fresh and Colorful
 Lovely and Ethereal
Lovely & Ethereal/Soft faded combo
Lovely & Ethereal/Soft faded/rainy day combo
**Note** Rainy Day is not a PW action. I don't remember where I found it. I think next time I try the rainy day one I'll make the raindrops smaller. It's supposed to be the illusion of looking through glass on a "rainy day"

 What is your favorite Action? 
Do you have a favorite site that you download your actions from?

With Joy UNquenchable,


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