Book Review: Plain Pursuit
I was so excited to do this review, I almost stayed up late last night writing it. I refrained.
This was the first book I've read in a long time that held my attention so well that I had a hard time putting it down. I read it in 2 days! Plain Pursuit by Beth Wiseman is a winner.
The book is about an Englisch woman, Carley Marek, who after tragedy hits her hard, takes a forced extended vacation from her journaling job to visit her friend Lillian in Pennsylvania who lives deep in Amish country. There she experiences a life like she's never known. During the visit however Lillian experiences a crisis of her own within her family and Carley is thrown headfirst into dealing with her own past.
The author weaves a beautiful story of peace, family, love, pain, hurt, redemption and forgiveness. She includes a glossery in the front of the book with common Pennsylvania Dutch words that are used throughout the book and there are several recipes in the back that were commonly made in the Amish community. She paints a picture of how different the world of the Amish and the world of the Englisch are.
She easily drew me in to the characters so much that I felt as though I were among them. I am looking forward to reading more from this author.
With Joy UNquenchable,
This book is right up my alley. I love all things Amish and this one sounds like it had an awesome story to tell. Thanks.