Book Review: Knockout Entrepreneur

I really enjoyed George Foreman's Knockout Entrepreneur book. As someone who is contemplating starting a business this book was simple, practical, and easy to understand. It left me with the feeling that "I can do this too"! Each chapter ends with "Knockout Ideas to Stimulate your Success". They are questions that provoke thoughts and challenges that cause you to go beyond yourself. Example: People who are highly successful refuse to play it safe. Often they go out on a limb and take a chance of embarrassing themselves. What idea for a new product or service or business has been percolating in your mind for some time? What is keeping you from daring to do something unorthodox? The majority of illustrations come from George's boxing career, and his own "entrepreneurial ventures". While some might be turned off by these, I found them helpful. It is not a "business plan" type book filled with educational information, but more of a motivational "you can do it" book. It is a book that anyone will benefit from whether a beginning Entrepreneur or a seasoned businessperson. With Joy UNquenchable,


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