Works for Me Wednesday: Perspective

I was browsing blogs the other day and got to thinking about perspective. Why? Because if I'm not careful, I can begin to read all these wonderful blogs and feel like I fall short...very short. I see all the beautifully decorated homes and read about friends going places together and I wish had this or that, or "why don't I do that with my friends", or read about all they do homeschooling their kids and soon if I'm not careful, my life and home and homeschooling begin to look boring. 
That's when perspective comes into play. You see, I don't know these bloggers. I don't know if they work outside the home or in the home, or maybe their husbands make a lot of money, or maybe they're in debt, or maybe they're smart with their money and can totally afford to decorate their homes. I have chosen to marry a man who's desire was to always be on staff at our church (which he is), and knowing the pay probably wouldn't be 6 figures, though better than some church staff people elsewhere. I also chose to stay at home and raise and teach our girls which has always been a dream of mine. My hubby and I also have quite different decorating styles and unlike some husbands, he happens to really have an opinion (in a good way) when it comes to home decor, so we find a middle ground. My girls love homeschooling and think we're doing okay...our budget doesn't allow for lots of extras. I love my friends, but we just aren't able to go out or get away as much as we'd all like...and that's okay.
When I keep things in perspective, I can then admire and glean ideas from these other bloggers or even my own "real-life" friends without feeling that nasty monster of jealousy and envy creeping in. I know what I would do, if I could. I know that the material things that fill up my home have no eternal value. They're just for my enjoyment. I know that people do not come into my home only because of my amazing decorating skills (LOL), but because they want to be with us. I get things for my home, it just takes longer sometimes. I suppose too that if I lived in a town that had more shops and stores, I'd probably buy it is, I only go to the "city" (which is only 20 minutes away) once a week, if that.
Perspective works for me. For more....head over to We are THAT Family.
With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. Good post Kirstin! I have to say I have envyed your beautiful new home. My house is old but we'll get it updated even if it'll be slow. Your attitude is great and I wanted to let you know I've decided to do a garage sale this year like you to raise funds for our homeschooling. I hope I'm as sucessful as yours have been!

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your post, too. You said some very true things all of us could stand to remember.

  3. Ok, so in my bible study we just talked about this. The leader talked about being on a boat where the waves were so rough that it actually made a piano fall off and break. However when they looked at a ship that was just off in the distance it didn't appear to have any problems. It's all about perspective isn't it? If you are on it, you feel it. So easy to look at other "ships" and think everything is so perfect while our "ship" is not. But it usually isn't. Great post and reminder to not be too hard on ourselves and compare (camparing is a tool of the devil!)
    Thanks for the great reminder!
    Debbie :)

  4. agreed. thanks for posting that. it can be so easy to compare... but, that's not what it's about. Life is about living right where God put us... and enjoying that journey.

  5. I checked out your blog! We both must be on the same "wave length"! I just posted about "perspective", as well! I admit - I struggle with this!

    Thanks for the encouragement in the midst of this post!

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  7. I know i am behind on reading....but fabulous post! I have learned that many times over in life....everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Its easy to hide the latter and not celebrate the former. Blogging especially lends itself to only seeing the best of everyone's lives....or the horrific things....but rarely is there much said on the mundane struggles of life!

    Anyway, this is awesome to remember :)


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