Works for Me Wednesday: Iphone Application

When I grocery shop I usually type a list up on my computer and carry it and my calculator along with me. Sometimes I forget to add the price up, or I totally mess up the total. I'm on a budget so there's not a whole lot of room for error in my adding or I end up paying for it out of my own spending money. The shopper application I think will make this all much easier. Check it out.

You can enter in your item, quantity and price or choose from their extensive list of choices and change your pricing.
items are categorized.
You can have multiple lists for various stores. Once you put an item on your list it will show the price in the bottom right corner. At the end, there's a total.
Once you check an item off your list it goes into your "cart" and the price added in. It will also figure tax on taxable items.
At first it's a bit time consuming because I sat with my receipts and also as I shopped and entered items and prices and whether they needed tax or not. But it's so worth it because with just the tap of my fingers I make my list and check off my list AND I don't need to use my calculator. I'm sure I'll need to go in and change prices or amounts because those may change from what is on the list but I really don't think it'll be that time consuming.
Works for me Wednesday will start up at a new location next week (I'm excited). It will be hosted by Kristen at We're That Family (you can find her link in my side bar). She'll do a great job.
With Joy UNquenchable,
My wife and I just got iPhones as well and she's totally gonna love this app. Emailing her the link to your post right after I thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Damien Franco
I'm so excited to find this. I just downloaded. I think it was called, Shopper. I knew there had to be a way to make shopping more exciting and easier! :) Thanks again.