Netties Vanilla Syrup

I've been waiting to post on this until I got the package. Well today, this came in the mail.
Whoo Hoo, Yippeee! It arrived. I always know there's something good when there's a small key in my mailbox that fits into a bigger mailbox that holds all the packages!
Along with my bottle of syrup (pictured above with the pancake mix I'll be serving it with tomorrow morning) came a little note from Nettie! How sweet.
I couldn't wait till tomorrow morning to try some. I mean, come on! That would be torture! So I opened up the bottle, poured a little in the lid and took a taste....and then another one, and then another one. And I admit, that at first I put my finger in the bottle and then decided you all might think that was gross, so I went for the lid. Let me tell you, it was yummy!!! And I wasn't expecting the slight taste of cinnamon. I think I can conjur up lots of uses for this. I'll see how the family likes it tomorrow. I'm sorry to say that we are very basic syrup people....I'm okay with that, but it's pretty much the "fake" syrup we usually buy. I've already decided to try this in my coffee.....I'll let you know how I like it.

Pop over to Netties vanilla syrup and check out how to purchase her products. She's a local gal from Southern Oregon!
I was one of the other bloggers who won a bottle of syrup from Sandy, over at RE. Mine still hasn't come, hopefully this week! I keep looking for it every day, I'll be sure to post when it arrives. (I'm thinking it has a long ways to get to the Mid - West. Congratulations!!
ReplyDeletePlus, it is fun to check out one another's blogs!