Little Life Update

Today I had the privilege of going to lunch with a friend of mine. We went to a place called the Country Folks Deli. I had the yummiest mushroom burger with fries. Oh, it was sooo good, that I haven't eaten anything since then! It was good conversation and good food on a beautiful day. What more could you ask for!
Yesterday I was able to get quite a bit accomplished which always makes me happy! I worked around outside since the day was bright, warm with a touch of chilly. I cleaned out the refrigerator and took care of some other things. We were noticing some seepage from our septic tanks (not good), so the septic guy came out and realized his guys had never glued the pipes together (not good). Our system has been in for 2 years but we've only been putting a demand on it for 3 months. The warranty was up, but he honored it anyways. That was a huge relief.
Kats wrist is doing much better. It is still sore and still swollen but still much better. We have an appointment on Monday to go in and have it re-checked. We are still declaring that it is simply a sprained wrist.
My grandmother is coming for a visit in May and I am so excited. She is my moms mom and I love her soooo much. She's the best grandma....sorry everyone....but I have the best. She'll be here for 2 weeks and my sister and I can't wait. Either can our kids. I can't wait to sit on my porch and drink coffee with her. She's just incredible. I called her tonight and the funniest thing happened. The phone never rang, so I said "Hello...and I heard a "hello"...but it sounded like me, so I said it again and I heard it again. I thought "I'm hearing weird". So I hung up. I called back and it turns out that it was my grandma (who I call "ma") on the other end. She was saying hello back, but I thought it was me. It was crazy. We had a good hard laugh about that. I want to make homemade raviolis when she's here. Doesn't that sound really good!
Life has been great and busy. I'm still without internet. I'm hoping to get the company out and either fix the issue or disconnect it and then I'll get another company (and unfortunately pay twice as much)...much to my dismay. But this has gone on long enough. I don't like not having access when I want it. I need it for myself, my girls need it for school...this just isn't working. I miss visiting with all of you, and I notice that when I don't visit...people don't visit. Hmmmmm...interesting.
Am I missing anything? Hmmmm...hubby has been sick with a nasty cold, which isn't fun. Does anyone else notice that husbands just don't do "sick" well? I'm praying for healing. Our second car also needs healing. It's noisy and it likes to die on me at stop lights, stop signs and any other time I put the brakes on. I would love to have two cars that run beautifully and can go anywhere. Our second car just goes around town, not on the freeway. I'd like two cars that can go on the freeway!
I'm sitting here on a friday night in our sanctuary listening to our pastor share an amazing message. We're re-doing our website and if you want to check out some podcasts, go here... I can't wait to worship soon.
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