Works for Me Wednesday: Magazine Enjoyment

I don't know about you, but my budget hasn't always allowed me to buy magazine as I'd like to. I love magazines, but the prices are ridiculous. I have found a few ways to enjoy magazines without the cost. The first way is to use the library. They almost always have the magazines I want and I can browse them, copy recipes I like, etc..
The other way is to share with friends. I have many friends who receive magazines as subscriptions, or buy them regularly. I have simply asked them to pass them on to me when they're done instead of throwing them away. Or I ask to read them once they've finished and I return them if they want. I do the same for others. If I have magazine I think someone will enjoy, I'll pass t along. Garage sales or thrift stores are other places to find magazines. They may be a bit outdated, but that's okay I can still find things I like. At one thrift store, I found an entire bundle of Highlight Magazines for $2.00. My girls loved them.
Head over to Rocks in My Dryer for more Works For Me Tips.
I sign up for free magazines all the time online, then I pass them onto a friend, who reads them with her sister, then they pass them on to their step-mom. I do this with my coupon inserts too. I recently found out those coupon inserts are seen by 6 people that I know of...