I've been Tagged

Hey Look! I got this cute award from Jennifer at Chronicles of a Night Owl. Thank you Jennifer. She's a homeschooling mom and I love hearing about her life. You know when you blog and you average only about 4 comments per post if that, you kind of wonder....does anyone really even read this blog. I know people do, but you know, you just wonder sometimes. There are many blogs I love and I find more and more all the time because sometimes I'll click on the bloggers on other peoples comments and find new ones. So only choosing a few is hard...I also know that there are those I love who are not into tags...and that's okay. I'm usually not too much into them either. So if I tag you and you don't pass it on, or put it on your blog, no worries. Just keep this little thing as a token of my appreciation of your blog making my day! Yesterday I started this and obviously got distracted because I never finished it and didn't realize that till much later in the afternoon. So, apparently there are some rules to this...though I need to save this and go find out what they are....be right back. Okay, I'm back and here are the rules: 1) I have to pick 7 of my favorite blogs andā€¦ 2) The winner can put the logo on their blog 3) Link the person you received your award from 4) Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 5) Put links of those blogs on yours. 6) Leave a message on the blogs of the ones youā€™ve nominated Does that make sense? Yah, it's a lot of work, but that's okay....so here are 7 of my favorites. Honestly I have lots so this was a bit tough. 1) Kate at Our Red House..Kate lives in Adelaide, Australia (cool, huh?). I have loved connecting with a friend from another country. Our girls have even began corresponding. I have loved learning Aussie terms and recipes. I just love her blog. One of these days maybe we'll actually meet. 2) Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom is another fave. She has another blog too, Full Bellies, Happy Kids. Both blogs are awesome! 3) Debbie at Real World Martha. Do you know I actually thought her name was Martha...yah, how lame is that...but she still likes me (C: I love visiting her and reading her tips and about her families life! 4) Melissa at The Inspired Room. Melissa's blog is very "inspirational". Do you love looking at beautiful rooms? Then check this out. I just love visiting there and going into "dream land". 5) Katie at Good Things Catered. After visiting Katie, you'll want to have her cater a dinner for you, or at least you'll want an invite to one of her dinner parties. Her recipes look amazing. There are a few I want to try. 6) Sandy at For Reluctant Entertainers. Sandy is a busy lady. And I know she's not big on tags, but she has one of my favorite blogs, so I just had to include her. If you are in a funk with entertaining, or the thought of entertaining scares you to death, just visit her. She is only 4 or 5 hours away from and one of these days I'm going to visit. She encourages me and causes excitement within me to entertain again. She also has a group for girls called Balcony Girls which looks amazing. 7) Tammy at Tammy's Recipes. Tammy hosts Kitchen Tip Tuesday (where I've learned quite a bit). She has yummy looking recipes, really cutie pie kids and seems like an amazing mom and wife. I've been making her whole wheat bread and it is sooo good. I'm off soon to read her post on canning tomatoes. Okay, that was seven. Wow! I think I did it. With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. Kirstin, First of all, congratulations on YOUR award! And thank you for passing it on to me in that list of amazing blogs. I love seeing lists like that and discovering new friends. And I am especially honored to be awarded something special from you! It always makes me happy that I have friends out here in blogland!

    Thank you so much.

    Happy day,

  2. Thank you so much, Kirstin. What a lovely award and a lovely tribute. I want to meet you too and Em would love to meet your girls.


  3. Okay, I have guilt. I really want to do this but haven't had the time to devote to it. I am so sorry! I hope to soon!


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