Recipe: Eggs in a basket

The other day I found this recipe on The Pioneer Woman site. I love her site. Anyways, she made this recipe and I thought it looked good. So I decided to give it a try. How hard can it be...the only ingredients are a piece of bread, and egg, lots of butter, and salt/pepper. Cut a hole in the bread....not too hard. Melt the butter...holy cow that's alot! Place your bread in the pan and crack the egg into the center. "Cool" I said to myself. I'm easily entertained.
Cook till you think it's ready to flip over. Flip over and cook a bit longer.
Wha lah! I didn't even break the yoke.
Wow, this was good. The bread was now crispy on the outside and just tasted yummy. I could've eaten another one, but refrained myself from doing so! I also toasted the little round piece as well. When it comes to bread, you can't leave anything out.
With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. We did this one day last winter and we all hated it! It grossed us out - oh well! Glad you enjoyed it. Your house pics look great by the way. :)

  2. Mmmmm!! That looks good, Kirsten! I love eggs & toast together- I'll have to try that sometime!
    I love Pioneer Woman's blog too! :)
    Love, Alyssa

  3. My mom used to make them for us while we were growing up as a treat. Way back then, she called them "Toads in A Hole." Ahhh, the memories.....

  4. (Reading the above comment): We also used to eat those growing up, but we called them "one eyed jacks". Funny how things have different names!!

    Yummy! I love eggs and toast :)

  5. looks good :) i've made that before....yours looks better with all that butter!

  6. Hi Kirstin,
    thank you so much for visiting my blog! I absolutely loved coming to visit yours and seeing the egg in the basket!!! Seriously that is the first thing my Dad taught us kids to make and it is still a huge favorite around my house. It made me smile thank you! And yes, butter is an absolute must :)

  7. Hey, that 's looks really good. I will have to try it. My kids aren't so keen on fried eggs, they think the "runny" yellow is gross, but it's not all about them anyway. :-)

  8. That looks great!

  9. Yum - yip! grew up w/those and my kids love to make them. For some reason we called them "Frog in a Hole" which to this day does not make sense to me! ha


  10. Ah, it looks wonderful. My wife makes it sometimes, she called it "Bread with a hole cut in it and you put an egg in the hole"

    It's really good, but a little yolkey.


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