Works for Me Wednesday: Wake Up Helper

It's time for Works for Me Wednesday sponsored by Rocks in My Dryer and I'm always amazed that when I get up at 5:00 in the morning (Pacific time) there are already hundreds of posts. My youngest daughter does not like to wake up in the morning. We home school so I really don't put pressure on them to wake up at the crack of dawn. They do better when their bodies tell them to wake up (which is usually earlier for my oldest then youngest). But there are mornings when I need them to wake up earlier than usual. My 12 y.o. has no problem with this, my 9 y.o. however fights it. So I started setting my cell phone alarm (because what kid doesn't like the cell phone) and place it by her pillow. I let her know that the alarm will go off anywhere from 15-30 minutes and then it's time for her to get up. So far it has worked every time. With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. My DD gets herself up fine but my DS had a very hard time getting up...thats ok....I can have coffee longer and he knows that the later he gets up, the later he starts school, and the later he gets finished. They both work pretty independently although I do have to prod my son quite a bit and guide him more....I like not having a set schedule. It works for us!


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