Life In General
What a crazy busy weekend. Saturday Nan had a birthday party to go to and it happened to be in Vancouver, WA (about 20 minutes from us and the closest "bigger city" before Portland). So while she was at the party I ran to Costco and Ross. Just to look around. I picked her up and then we headed over to where our Youth group seniors were having a car wash for a retreat we're taking them on in Sunriver, Oregon over Memorial Day. Kat was helping at it.
From there we headed home and then up to the property to help hubby. I did some weedeating at the front of the property, and Nan helped him touch up some patches on the walls with primer. She did a great job. It was a long but successful day, and boy was I tired!
Sunday we had company for lunch and then just hung around the house. Hubby has been sick for the past week, which is very uncommon for our family. So, we've all been tired from lack of good sleep.
Monday, the girls went with my inlaws to eastern Washington to visit their cousins. I had planned on going but decided I'd take advantage of them being gone and go shopping by myself. I was thinking of going into one of the Apple stores to check out a Mac Laptop (It's taking me forever to save for one and I want/need it soooo bad). But....hubby couldn't find anyone to help him at the house and what he needed to work on, he couldn't do alone.....sooooo....seeing as it's my house too and I really want to be in it I figured it might be a good idea to help him instead. So we got our grubbies on and headed up. For about an hour I finished up all the touch ups that needed to be done inside the house. It's now ready for primer. Then I helped hubby outside putting up the soffit. It took forever. I love the look of it. It's tongue and groove and so pretty, but definitely time consuming.
We had done this once before a few months ago and we only nailed it up...well a few days later it was on the ground. We obviously didn't nail it correctly. This time we glued and nailed. I think it'll stay! It better. After all that measuring, gluing, hooking it together and nailing it better not even think of falling. The weather was beautiful and it was just a nice day to be up there!
Every time I walk through the house, I envision us in it. I get so excited. If you've ever had to live with someone else in a house that's not yours you know how I feel. I was even in home depot and found the grill I want someday....oh, and it's only $900!! Ha, ha. I have such expensive taste. Good thing I have good self control!
Thought I'd share a picture of the soffit! I can't wait to sit out on my covered porch with a cup of coffee some morning! It was so windy up there yesterday. The weather has been weird. It was pretty warm for most of the day, but then it would get really windy and chilly. I couldn't decide whether to leave my sweatshirt on or take it off.
The girls got home about 10:45 last night and went straight to bed. They were up at 8:00 this morning. Why is it when you want them to sleep in, they don't, and when you need them to get up early you have to drag them out of bed. Well, their moods have been reflective of their lack of sleep today. Ughhhh! It's getting better.

A friend and I are going to a conference in Lynden, Washington next week. We're literally going from one end of the state to the other. We are at the southern border of Washington, and Lynden is at the northern border. I spent about 2 hours today trying to find a hotel. But, I think we've finally found one we like.
Well, I need to get some other things dinner! So I'll talk to you all later. I'm sure there are things I left out, but I'll just fill in the blanks at another time.
Oh, I got the vitamins I ordered last week. Very prompt service (ordered them Wednesday and they shipped Thursday and I received them today). They were packaged very well. In fact I laughed because I had such a hard time getting the bubble wrap off. I cannot wait to start taking them. For those who don't know, I ordered some liquid B and liquid Calcium last week. I was noticing that I need to get back on track with them.
The other thing I've been battling is a painful achilles tendon. Not sure what I did. The doctor recommended icing it for a week and seeing if that helps. I know they make a brace that helps alleviate the pressure from your heel. I may try to find one. It is not a constant pain, but if I'm on it too long or jump, or dance, or exercise it flares up. It's been doing this for about 3 weeks. Not fun!
With Joy UNquenchable,
Love the soffet (or whatever its called!) I have that on my house, but never knew that was what it was called. Mine is very old though but I love the look of it.
ReplyDeleteLookin' good!
Today I got some more free carpet from craigs list for our blue room. Chris is going to cut it all to fit right. I also am getting an over the oven microwave on Thursday, also from craigs list!
After I get the garden and flowerbeds in shape, I'll start prepping to paint my kitchen. Can't wait! Its gunna look great. :)