Seasonal Saturday

My friend Janelle at Now Play Happy is hosting a meme called Seasonal Saturdays and I thought I'd join in. If you love the seasons I'd encourage you to join her as well. I think there is something to love and enjoy about each season. I marvel at the miraculous creation of each one. I anticipate each one coming. I love winter and would love it more if we actually got snow instead of rain. I know those of you in the midwest and east coast are tired of it, but I'd really like a good dumping....for a few days at least. I love waking up to a winter wonderland (which barely happens even once a year), but I still love the thought. Here are some things that you'd find if you came to my home during the winter.... * candles galore. I love candles and you'd find them lit everyday. Usually in scents like caramel apple, cinnamon roll, cookie dough, etc... * Hot soup with warm rolls. Winter is the time for soup....Yum-O. * Good books, good movies and lots of games...there's nothing like a cold day to snuggle up with a good book, movie or play games around the table. * Cookies baking, coffee brewing, hot chocolate with whipped cream and cider on the stove. Need I say more. * If I had a fireplace, you'd find a fire. Well, that's all for this week. Things to do!


  1. Your house sounds wonderful in the winter! Hot chocolate with cream -- yum!

    We'll be having lots of pumpkin soup this winter as we are now being taken over by pumpkins.



  2. Thanks kirstin! Hopefully this will help get the word out and it'll grow! :)

  3. As much as I am ready for Spring - there are cozy things about winter that I really love. Great list!
    (Come on over and WIN!)


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