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Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at  From This Side of The Pond.   Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life. 1. How did you meet your significant other? We met at Bible College (and no I didn't go to find a husband, though many did)...I was all prepared to head back home. I knew him the two years I was there, but we didn't start dating until I was leaving. He asked me to the end of the year banquet, then we did some other things with friends right before leaving and decided to see where things would go. So most of our relationship was long distance, and once a month visits.  If you don't have a significant other, tell us how you met your best friend.  1991ish I think...end of year banquet. Everyone loved that we matched.  He proposed up in Stanley Park in Vancouver, British Columbia. He wanted to ask me sooner, but he was the school president and they didn't want him! Also,

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