WFMW: Appreciation Book

A few years ago I got a fun idea for Kat's 11th or 12th birthday (I can't remember which one). We had her party planned with a variety of people coming (her own peers and also many of the young adults from our church who are key people in her life). I know how important words of affirmation are to her and I know how she loves to save cards and notes people give her. I desire for her to be a confident young woman who knows who she is. As people arrived to the party I gave them each a 3 x 5 card and asked them to write something they appreciated or really liked about her. Then throughout the evening I took a picture of Kat with each person. Later I printed all those pictures and purchased a simple photo album. I placed each card and each picture side by side. It's something she can look back at and realize the impact she has had on people's lives and how much those around her love her and believe in her. Here's an example of what one young adult said to her:
"You have such a sweet, sensitive heart for the things of God. I always enjoy watching you with your sister--you take great care of her. Maybe we'll be able to make cookies together sometime."
Had I had the resources and creativity, I would have put them on colored cards and done it in a really cute scrapbook. I think I will still do that at some point. Finding ways to encourage my daughters and create memories for them Works for Me! Check out more ideas at We Are THAT Family for more ideas. With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. I love this idea! Ruthi's a little young for me to use it for her, but I'm going to remember it for later. I'm thinking of other occassions this would work too. Thanks for sharing such a great idea!


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