Well our time in beautiful Florida is coming to an end. We have two full days left. While it hasn't been "hot" it's been pleasant and we've enjoyed our time with family and each other. There have been a few moments of "tension"..."I want to do this, no, I want to do that"...kind of thing! We are all still fighting coughing and not feeling completely 100% but it has been a great vacation.
This is our second time doing Disney World and we plan to come back in two years, but we may do some of the other things around Orlando. HOWEVER....this is my second time at Epcot and in the World Showcase I still haven't gotten past GERMANY!!! There is so much to do and see, and yesterday when we went it was a bit chilly and everyone was just a wee bit uptight (just
keepin it real here people).

We enjoyed a few...and I mean few days of sunshine and took full advantage of it. We hit a water park one day (Wet and Wild) and then of course one of the Disney parks the next. If you do Disney, you have got to do the new Toy Story Ride/interactive game at Hollywood Studios!

As much as I love visiting the state of Florida, I love our Pacific Northwest. I love everything about it. I'm told we'll be coming back to very, very cold weather.

My girls are a blast to be with! I have so much fun enjoying their different personalities and interacting with them. Kat thanked me several times for going on rides with her that were a stretch for me! She knows I have a hard time with roller coasters and high rides, but I was willing so that she would have someone to go on them with her. Hubby wasn't feeling great and he sometimes gets motion sickness so I was the only other option. I actually ended up liking the ones I went on so I'm glad I pushed myself to do it.

Kat was called out of the audience during one of the street shows at Hollywood Studios. The guy asked her how old she was and when she told him, he looked at my hubby and said "I hope you have a shotgun at home"! Then she had to diva walk...it was so cute and she was such a good sport.

We loved our visit to Disney. Some of our favorite rides: Tower of Terror, Splash Mountain, Test Track, Buzz
Soarin', Pirates of the Caribbean, Toy Story, Mission: Space, and so many others!! I am not one for Roller Coasters, and high scary rides, but for Kat's sake I went on Splash Mountain and Tower of Terror.
Soarin' was a bit unnerving too because it's like you're hang gliding.
My birthday was Wednesday and if you go to Disney on your birthday you get free admission. Well we already had our tickets so instead Disney gave me a $79 gift card to use for any merchandise. Very cool, but can I tell you $79 doesn't go far.

Kat taking pics in
Daytona Beach

Nan's toes match the pool water.

When we get home, we will hit the ground running. Christmas will be 10 days away and I have bought one gift. Yikes....guess what we'll be doing when we get home!! I also need to take Kat for her yearly checkup, and me for my first mammogram (
eewww). I have to make a grocery list and shop (we will have NO food in the house when we get home) for everyday and for holiday food. We have one Christmas party that I'm making dessert for and I want to do a bit of baking (though not as much as I normally might). I will for sure make caramel corn and fudge (Nan's favorite), and maybe pick a few more things.
I need to go buy a tree skirt. I think I'll hit Ross first, and it would be fun to find a holiday apron. Oh boy...did I say I'll only have 10 days...oh
The weather at home as been cold and icy and possibly snowing....I'm praying it doesn't interfere with getting the things done that need doing!!
With Joy UNquenchable,
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