Kitchen Tip Tuesday: Kids Cookbooks

Finally I'm getting around to posting a kitchen tip. I guess better late then never. It has just been one of those days! I've been trying to free up space on one of my drives and it just is not working. Anyways....enough of that. I love Tammy's Recipes. I love the tips I get and all the yummy recipes that can be found there. My tip for today is kids cookbooks. I think that one sure way to get kids in the kitchen is to give them their own cookbook! They take more ownership and hey, they're just more fun to look at. These are the two that we have. The one on the left we got for our oldest a few years ago (she was probably 10) and the other is one that my youngest (now 9) bought for herself last year. They love them.
The next three pictures are from the Just for Kids Cookbook. Lots of easy to make main dishes, desserts, beverages, snacks. You name it, they have it.
The recipes are easy to understand. The book is colorful and loaded with pictures. I will admit though, not too many "healthy" recipes will be found in either one of these. But for once in awhile meals, they'll work.
This one also has lots of pages in the back for the young cook to add their own stuff. Favorite parties, favorite recipes, etc...
These last ones are from the Kids in the Kitchen Cookbook by Gooseberry Patch. My youngest loves this and has made several recipes. The recipes are again easy to understand. The pictures absolutely adorable. She really doesn't need my help when she uses this book.
On the side bar it tells what type of meal it is: dessert, beverage, snack, how many it serves, how long it takes and has tips. There's pictures with the ingredients as well.
So go hit your bookstore, ebay, or wherever and find some fun books for the kids.
With Joy UNquenchable,


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