STOP THE PRESSES!!! Juggling a busy day and a birthday party

Do you ever feel like you are always procrastinating? And what makes it worse is that you HATE procrastinating? Yah, that would be me! I really do not like procrastinating or forgetting things, but it seems that lately, more often than not, I do just that! What do you do when life throws a few curve balls your way and you're faced with having to be flexible? My youngest, Nan, turned 11 yesterday. We scheduled her party for Saturday, sent out invitations and then at the last minute found out that both of our girls had soccer games that day. EXCUSE ME!!! Did they ask me if that fit into my planned out schedule? Nope! So I was forced to re-evaluate how everything was going to play out that weekend.
Nan and Kat not long after Nan was born
We already decided that we were not going to cancel the party or change the date. Thankfully the games were at 11:00 and 1:30. Unfortunately the 1:30 game was 45 minutes from home and thus Nan and I would miss it in order to be home for her 3:00 party. Here is how Saturday morning played out: 9:00 Hubby left the house to prepare for meeting at church 9:30 Girls and I left house. Dropped Kat off at church (for meeting), Nan and I head to her game. 11:30 Hubby and Kat show up at Nan's game. Kat and I watch for another 10 minutes and then leave to get to her game. But first we make a mad dash into Toys r' us looking for a Care Bear...NONE!! 12:45 Hubby and Nan get to Kat's field. I leave taking Nan and her friend home to get ready for party. 2:00 arrive home and get everything ready for party. 3:00 party starts...hubby and Kat get home at 3:45. Now do you see any time in there that I could've baked a cake and made Sloppy Joes? No, you say? Well you're right! There was no time on Saturday to do ANYTHING!! It all needed to be done on Friday or it wouldn't get done at all. Here's the thing, and here's the procrastination...on Friday I also needed to go shopping for Nan's gifts (so did Kat), and shop for her food for the party, not to mention that we have church on Friday nights too. Friday morning arrived and we headed out the door by 10:30. We began by getting Nan's gifts. I did pretty good at first (a gift card to Booster Juice, two Webkinz, an art set and some paper), then I hit a wall. I really wanted to find her a stuffed Care Bear (she loves them). I couldn't find one anywhere. No store I entered carried them. WHAT? Everyone loves Care Bears....Kat found some things for her, but at that point I was done. I said "I'll just get her one later, let's go buy food". Do you ever just get to a point where you think "I'm done. I just need to stop."? I do. I actually sat there and thought, "I must not be one of those power shoppers. I need more money so I don't have to bargain hunt so much and so that I can make frequent stops at the coffee shops." We arrived home around 3:30. I looked at the clock and thought "how in the world am I going to get the cake and sloppy joes made by 6:00 (when we have to leave for church)", "oh, and I should make something for dinner". I really thought I could do it. I learned something. I am a person who needs time to do things and do them well. I don't function well flying by the seat of my pants. And I'm okay with that. I just need to remind myself of that. To make a long story short, the tuna casserole was dry (I must not have put enough liquid in it), and I was so bummed because it had sounded sooo good. I started to make the peanut butter pound cake using the recipe I had posted on my blog, and realized that I hadn't ever included the amount of peanut butter that went in the cake and I had posted it 2 years many people tried to make it only to have it be horrible (so I paused and fixed it). I had to dig around for the original recipe. I finally got it in the oven only to realize 5 minutes later (as I was reading the recipe) that I hadn't put in the cream or baking soda (I could have swore I read through every ingredient). I decided to try and whisk the cream and soda in without taking it out of the pan. It worked, but would it turn out? It baked well, but when I removed it from the pan I discovered it was just too hard on the outside, but the inside was fine. I decided I would have to make another one, which meant I'd have to go to the store, which meant there was no way I was going to make it to church. I dropped the girls off, went to the store and came home to try again! I took my time, succeeding this time. I got the Sloppy Joes made (homemade, none of that canned stuff), and got everything cleaned up. I even found a use for my first cake. I removed the center, saved it and am going to try and make "cake balls" (discovered after googling what to do with unused cake). I'll let you know how those turn out. By the time everyone returned home that evening I was back on track. It's funny how little things can throw us off, or how bent out of shape we get when we try to cram too much into too little of a time slot. We need to be able to stop, breathe, re-evaluate and adjust. As much as I didn't want to miss our Friday night worship at church, I knew I was better off staying home and finishing things. I knew that reacting wasn't the answer. I just asked myself "how's that working out for you Kirstin?" The party went great! The food was great! Nan was blessed! I love my girl. She is so full of joy and it's hard to believe the little thing in the pictures is my now 11 year old. She was such a little peanut! Oh, and I had a wonderful time shopping on Friday with Kat. I love having an amazing teenager. We had wonderful conversation, laughs and shared a pretzel and some jelly beans that we were craving. With Joy UNquenchable,


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