Kitchen Tip Tuesday: Teaching kids to eat what you make

My tip for today involves the way we, as moms often cater to our children. I remember when my oldest daughter was young. I didn't know better and I often would make her separate meals from what hubby and I ate. I didn't necessarily think to make her try something new. I just made her what she liked. When my youngest came along I decided that just didn't work out for me. I think it's important for our kids to learn to eat what we eat. "No, mommy is not going to make a completely separate meal just for you because you decided you didn't like chicken." It's just too much work. I try to cook things that everyone likes, but sometimes in the quest to eat healthier there will be something that someone isn't fond of...usually my youngest. The rule of thumb is that she has to at least have 3 bites before she decides she doesn't like it, and I do try to have a few options. My girls are old enough now, that if they don't want what I made, then they can make something else for themselves. But I won't. It's good for our kids to have a palate that goes beyond hotdogs, twinkies and mac and cheese. Sometimes they're just afraid to try something new. Give them a say in trying new things. "Which of these would you like to try." "How about if we mix the healthy pancake mix with some of the regular and start with that." Give them choices, but don't cater to them. I'm getting ready to post a yummy recipe for chicken veggie tacos. Check back in a few minutes and check it out. They're yummy. With Joy UNquenchable,


  1. I like your style.A gentle nudge in the right direction is always better than punishment or letting a child go hungry out of stubborness. Great tip, and thank you for sharing it.

  2. I totally agree. If our children don't like their meal they can choose to eat some fruit or raw vegies instead, but nothing else.



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